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WotF - Just Sabine! | 47 | 31 | 37 | 1.0 |
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Solo Sabine (commentaires français) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Solo Sabine | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Sabine la coquine et Rex aime le sexe | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
eSabine-ISL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
The OG Sabine - (3rd Place/Top 4, 9-3, San Diego Regionals) | 21 | 9 | 9 | 1.0 |
I got nobody So I do it solo Regional WInner | 20 | 15 | 0 | 1.0 |
RebelSpy 1304
Hey everyone, here’s the list I went undefeated with at my Store Championship. I’ll be talking about it on this week’s episode of Jedi Trials.
R1. Poe2/Leia1/Ezra
R2. Palpatine
R3. Kylo Snoke
R4. Yoda Cassian
Top Cut
R5. Thrawn Snoke
Finals. Kylo Snoke
A few quick notes - even at 25 points this deck feels reall strong, especially against the Snoke decks. I imagine Snoke Cad would be tough but luckily I didn’t play against any. Playing Tenacity on Kylo or Thrawn round 1-2 sets them so far behind.
Infamous was an MVP, money is often plentiful between Maz’s Vault and our Battlefield that dropping this for 1 early isn’t a huge problem and sets up the rest of the game. Infamous > NTMTO won me almost all of my games.
Darksaber was in there just for fun and could easily be something else. You can do some cool stuff with it if you have Infamous and RI out, like play ambush card (trigger RI on playing a card) > activate Sabine > overwrite with Darksaber from discard with ambush > roll > quadruple focus. But that’s the dream scenario and will never happen in real life :)
30 comentários |
"You can do some cool stuff with it if you have Infamous and RI out, like activate > Darksaber from discard with ambush > trigger RI on playing a card > roll > quadruple focus. But that’s the dream scenario and will never happen in real life :)" I'm pretty sure that sequence of events is wrong, you can't trigger RI off of Sabine's ability as it's not an action. |
Haha well bummer. Never actually did that in a game fwiw. I'll add a step in there to make it work. |
Just play truce in there to trigger RI. The classic. |
what's the ideal opening hand/round ? |
Yeah depends on the matchup, but usually Hidden Blaster (or other 2-cost), Maz's Vault, Truce, Infamous, Easy Pickings, Crosshairs are all good early. Against Snoke I hard mull for Tenacity. |
Congrats again, well played. I was the one with the Trawn/Snoke deck. You piloted it well and used your Reversal was timely and killed my momentum at the end. |
Do I try this out at my SC this weekend? I definitely have Sabine experience, just not solo Sabine. |
It's a fun deck and it was great to watch you play it yesterday. Nice work! |
Was at this event and didn't even realize RS was there until the Semis. Glad you ended up taking the event! Thanks again for the box and I look forward to playing you in the future! :D |
Congratulations on the win, when is the best time to use running interference in a game now |
This is the darkest timeline |
First you were a Mill player, and now, you rebroke Sabine. Hmm... I'm sensing a pattern here. Are you ACTUALLY a vegan? Or do you hunt baby seal on the weekend? This deck is brrrrrrrrooooke. |
Congrats on the win. Now with that out of the way, I really hope FFG fix this. I'm keen to hear other people's opinions but she's quickly becoming the Kylo/FN, Poe/Maz, Rey/Han of this set. No player interaction, just chain ambush everything, turn dice and win. |
Congrats! In regards to Infamous being the MVP - would you consider swapping out an RI for a second? Does Scavenge never shoot you in the foot at all by discarding clutch 3 cost events? Cheers and well done again! |
More OMGHERD anti-Sabine rhetoric. If she was such OP she'd be winning all the tourneys. She doesn't. Doesn't even dominate top 4 cuts. She wasn't dominating and she STILL got nerfbatted. Good, yes. But there's a lot of good decks. Lots of props to RebelSpy for finding another way to make her shine. |
That doesn't mean the deck and the game play are OK. Poor player experience and zero interaction is never good and it's a problem for the game. Her nerf was useless because they gave her a plot that's better than Ezra. You can still pair her with red uniques for leadership. The point is mass action cheating still sucks. FFG agrees (see Iden Versio - Inferno Squad Commander) I've seen the deck run locally. Both players feel bad afterwards. I'm talking about bad game experience and things that ruin the fun of destiny not what's winning every tournament (that's bad too but in a different way) |
Poor player experience to you. It's a poor player experience when you play a mill deck too. But it is there. Even being encouraged. The game isn't going to be perfect for everyone, but put down the torches and pitchforks and grand generalizations. That makes the game unpleasant for everyone. |
I played Cad/Snoke against one of these last night. I got beat - but only by a little. He hit Cad with tenacity in round 1 and 2. This was hardly NPE. It was a chase. To compare, we were playing trilogy as well and I got beat by two other perfectly fair support decks wherein I would have had a more satisfying experience by just scooping and dancing around like a moron for the next 25 minutes. |
People only really remember when Sabine godrolls. Not the other two rounds when she got the disrupt and blank. :D |
Why not run more plots? Profitable connections or something might help a bit, and costs nothing from a deck building perspective. |
If Sabine gets Infamous and Never Tell Me the Odds it quickly becomes solitaire as you watch your opponent auto godroll their way to victory for the amazingly high cost of one resource with nothing you can do about it! Mill can be fun because there are ways to fight against it. With Sabine you just hope she doesn’t draw good cards. That isn’t fun. That’s bad design. |
I disagree, |
You’re right, it’s not unbeatable, |
When i can beat KyloPryce with 11hp know 11hp deck is build right :D |
Congrats @RebelSpy! Beast mode. Jeremy would be proud ;)