Flight School (18 Person Store Tournament Winner 4/0)

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Flight School (12/0 Competitive) 16 16 16 3.0

qwerty2jam 117

Hey all,

Building on from my first run at this deck is it's new iteration. Much more streamlined, much stronger and meeting quite a measure of success!

TL;DR - Tank deck with lots of resource generation and support. Very different. Very Fun. Is currently 9/2 after winning an 18 person tournament last night 4/0.


Poe/Maz: 1/1 FN/Jango: 1/0 Vader Raider: 1/0 Emo Kids: 1/0 Mothma/Trooper/Hired Gun: 1/0 Baze/Snap: 2/1 Hero Mill: 2/0


I like this deck because it's different. It's not rapid beat your face in Poe/Maz or Emokids and it uses an underutilized area of the game, supports.

Between adding yellow for a better removal colour and the 32 - 46 health pool this list survives a hell of a lot. The idea is that this durability from health and removal should buy us the time to get our resources and supports rolling.

Speaking of resouces between the symbols showing on our characters, Aftermath, Imperial Discipline, Datapad and Supply Line we have a wookie's buttload of resource gain in the deck, facilitating those high cost Endless Ranks and Slave I.

Let me be clear, the resource generation, unless it goes perfectly, is TIGHT. You will barely scrape by using a removal or two, playing a vehicle and a resource generator every turn but it IS enough. It's a deck of careful choices and resource management to the extreme.

In the 1.0 version of the deck I double dipped into weapons as well, thinking I could get both out but I never ever ended up playing them. I would never turn 1 F-11D Rifle I would always remove a few dice, play a backup muscle and then roll out, grab resources and play a turn 1 First Order TIE Fighter with a resource or two to spare. I would pitch my weapons for rerolls every time so I replaced them.


Imperial Discipline: A card with 2 resource sides but also the ability to guarantee a side I need (resource side) by removing it if it rolls poorly, or a guaranteed damage side if I need to finish someone off. There was 1 of these in 1.0 but they were just amazing for me. Knowing that I didn't care what my First Order Stormtrooper's rolled was just beautiful and they paid dividends.

Supply Line: Just a good and cheap resource generator to get out early if possible, almost hard mulligan worthy due to the focus and the free reroll on it as well. If you're low on ditchable cards, a Datapad special into a Supply Line special is amazing and has literally won me 2 games so far.

Datapad: This should be fairly easy to understand, just a cheap resource generator to get out and roll in as many times a turn as possible. As stated the combo with supply line is just beautiful and any of these in your starting hand should be kept.

Salvage Stand: We roll resources a lot with this deck and this card is just a good staple to keep resources for removal down. I found I would have people play their 2 cost upgrade, roll and claim any resource sides they rolled because they HAD to remove my vehicle dice or lose characters way too quickly. Having a salvage stand will help with this I hope. I consider these two cards the flex slots for this deck, haven't been tested yet and weapons got swapped out for them.

Quadjumper: Many a times would I find no vehicles in my starting hand (Only 2 damaging types of vehicles in the deck after all) and would go and spend my money on resource generators, removal and backup muscle. In these situations I often thought of this card and it's ability to set me up for a following turn. Bringing in a big Slave I and NOT leaving me gasping for resources for removal.

Everything else should be fairly self explanatory, although I'm willing to add more if people want other cards explained!

Opening Hand

We want any kind of resource generator, Datapad or Supply Line, even two of them can be fun. I like seeing a backup muscle and a removal or two. I find if I don't draw 2 resource generators I'll mulligan any vehicles besides quadjumper as I don't want them discarded and I will not be pitching them for rerolls.

Always pitch Slave I, you never want that in the opening hand.

The Game

I'm not the best writer, I can't honestly describe every choice to make nor am I a good enough player to feel confident in my ability to instruct people that are very likely better. I shall attempt to give an overview however.

We WANT to play slow. Start with playing a resource generator, roll in that character hope for and then claim a resource. Then play either another resource generator, Imperial Discipline, Supply Line or Backup Muscle if you have any of them.

During all this you ALWAYS want to have 1-2 resources kept for removal. Never ever ever hit 0 while the enemy has dice out.

Start slowly rolling in your characters. By this point the enemy should have resolved most of their plays and dice. If not, delay as long as you can. Now they should have either claimed or will be passing. If they are passing they have removal, if they've claimed just go to town.

If you have a First Order TIE Fighter or Quadjumper in hand you want to reroll your dice until you can claim the resources needed to play it, then roll it in. That will likely be the end of your turn.

If you DON'T have a vehicle, look at your dice. If you're showing more of either resources or guns, make a decision as to whether to reroll the other side to try and gain more of the desired type. EG if I'm showing 1 , 2 , +1 and two +1 s I'll probably pitch a card to reroll the resources hoping for more damage.

Turns continue like this, delay as long as you can, roll out and resolve whatever you have the most sides of, always hoping for resources more than anything else. Priority is to get those damn vehicles out.

One thing I've found with this game though, always spend resources on mitigation, even if it means not getting a big upgrade out, mitigation is king. The longer you last the better in all possible situations than dealing damage or doin' something fancy.


This is a slow and fun deck that requires careful resource managment, stalling and a correct sequencing of actions but feels super rewarding to play when you go up against meta "EMO" players or Palps and even Poe/Maz players and win despite all expectations.

No-one sees this deck coming and it's just funny to watch reactions as they begin to understand what's happening.

Anyway that's it, I hope you've enjoyed reading this as much as I've enjoyed making it and that some of you are inspired enough to drop a comment or give this a shot!

Have I missed anything? Does this have any ability to compete? Should I git gud?



1 comentário

qwerty2jam 117

Well another day down and I've done a bunch more testing in person with this deck. 6 games and 6 wins and winning in style too.

Won't do a super detailed write up as I'm all by my self here but versed;

Vader Raider x 1 - Hard win due to worlds worst rolling

Fn/Aura x 2 - Easy, salvage stand ended them

Rey/padawan/padawan x 2 - Medium difficulty, second game was harder due to early Force speed

Poe/Maz - damn this is always the worst thing to see across the table but careful mitigation and focusing that damn Maz Kanata - Pirate Queen down in 2 turns helps.

Only change to the decklist above at the moment is that two quadjumpers are just a bit overkill and I end up with a STUPID amount of resources at the end of most games, subbing in one AT-ST has helped a lot with both damage output and resource expenditure. Getting out a turn 2 AT-ST is super fun!

Just a quick image link, of a very fun game: imgur.com