Make Money--Shoot Guns. Poe/Maz/Hired Gun

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Vexor44 1

I have only play tested this deck against a close group of friends... and this is made from what I've pulled from a few shared boxes. Unlike the current Poe/Maz meta, the purpose of this deck is to make money and pump out upgrades. The addition of a hired gun gives this deck a bit more health -- and as opponents tend to focus down Maz/Poe first, he generally ends up with at least an upgrade or two. A dream opening hand is 2x Long Con and a Smuggling, setting you up with 6 resources opening round. Without 2x maz, it's hard to count on a consistent poe special, but Launch Bay, Millennium Falcon, and Bowcaster allow for some options if you hit it.

** I would include a Thermal Detonator if I had one. And obviously 2x X-8 Night Sniper if I had those. The event prioritization needs to be optimized.

Thanks for checking this deck out! Always open to suggestions.

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