Top 8 Chicago Regionals Hero Vehicles

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Hero Vehicles, 3rd Place Vegas Regionals (6-2) 9 6 8 1.0

borghe 291

Here is the deck that took me to Top 8 in Chicago out of 98 players. The deck is indeed lacking removal, but it only ended up hurting me in my game in the top cut against an incredible Sister Boba deck that went 10-0 before finally losing in the semifinals.

Mulligans really depended on my matchup. The day went surprisingly varied but I knew if Sabine or hero mill was across from me I would have to dig deep for Vandalize. Aside from that you want at least one of Rally Aid or Tech Team in your opening hand, and hopefully a vehicle. Opponents were never scared to take Weapons Factory Alpha - Cymoon 1 which is great especially considering all of our special sides on initiative. With Rally Aid getting any ship including Millennium Falcon out turn 1 is a snap.

Really Rally Aid is the star of this deck. I used it well over 50% of my turns. With so little removal, early in the round I would OFTEN be ok with ANY card coming out of my hand for 1-2 resource savings. Especially no resources showing, and being able to hit Easy Pickings or Into The Garbage Chute to remove two dice or get down a Force Speed down.

C3PO and R2D2 seem to be the most frustrating dice to my opponent. C3PO's history is well documented in this game. R2D2's special (which he has two of) basically reads "Turn a die to any side you want and next turn reroll the rest of your dice".

Millennium Falcon is probably the second most frequent to drop after Republic Cruiser by people. I get it. 4 cost is a lot still in this game. Fortunately this deck makes money, ramps, and I don't see anyone at all saying Falcon is a bad value... it's just that it's 4 resources. You get 5 fantastic sides and built in mini-Partnership for that price. Every game I played Falcon I won.

Matches as best as I can remember them:

eFinn2/eLuke2 (win) - A young kid who was really just wanting to play at the event. I probably spent half of my time teaching him. Really great kid and he stuck around for pretty much most of the event.

eKylo2/eMother (win) - Easily my most anticipated matchup. My opponent did get 4 damage on me, and I lost Ezra, but to the best of my knowledge that was about it.

eBala/Tie Pilot/eCienna (win) - a deck I was fearing a little.. TIE Pilot didn't really bother me with running so little removal, and I mulliganed for Fall Back. Then it happened. His opening roll was ambush Holdout TIE Pilot +2. I had Garbage Chute but it felt pointless to spend it at this point. Then +2 +2 1 resource. FFS. Then +2 +2. I was f'ed. Ditching all 4 cards for rerolls he NEVER saw an unmodified side. Meanwhile just my characters and Falcon alone were able to get 8 indirect damage out turn 1.

eObi/eMaz (win) - This game was pretty close. I kept my Vandalizes for Force Illusion and he couldn't help but rolling major damage on Obi pre-Maz allowing me to use all four of my big removal upon rollout or reroll.

eObi/eMaz (win) - as if that match wasn't stressful enough, this was against the guy who eventually won the entire event. I don't want to go into his deck too much (he may post it later) but I did discard an opening hand Vandalize that OMG did I regret a couple of rounds later against some sneaky Running Interference!!!! The game came down to. He rolled in Obi (Maz dead) and had lethal. I used Fall Back forcing him to discard Shoto and VK. He kept Rey's. He rerolled and had lethal. I garbage chuted an Obi die and Rey's saber. He rerolled Obi and didn't get damage (he could not roll lethal now) I rolled in Y-Wing and had lethal. He mitigated. I rolled in Y-Wing and had lethal. He mitigated. I rolled in Resistance Bomber and had lethal. He mitigated. I rolled in Bomber blank and he passed. I rerolled bomber 6/2. He called game. We both congratulated each other on the craziest game of the day (for me at least)

eSabine/eYoda (loss) - This is the deck I was fearing most and was against the guy who was 4th at the end of Swiss. I mulliganed hard for Vandalize and got one. He played out Force Speed and rolled in. Didn't hit the special. He discarded a gun to reroll, hit the special, so I Vandalized. Unfortunately I didn't see my next Vandalize until after he already had two RI out and that was pretty much how the game went. I DID end the game with Sabine at 3 health remaining which for me was a personal victory. In retro I wish I had included one or two Rend and dropped a Republic Cruiser or two solely for the Sabine meta.

Hero mill (loss) - definitely the match I was fearing second most and was against 6th after Swiss. I drew hard into vehicles getting a Modified HWK-290 to start, but getting any other vehicles out the rest of the game was rough, especially seeing my Rally Aids and Y-Wings get milled.

Hero mill (win) - OMG.. sitting at 5-2 and ANOTHER mill.... so I'm going 5-3 clearly. Fortunately I drew into a Y-Wing and Rally Aid on mulligan. I also drew into another Y-Wing and Resistance Bomber over the course of the game allowing me to have severe pressure on him. I will say, Y-Wing is the star against mill. They have no choice but to spend money to keep shields which means no Hyperspace Jump, no Entrenched and also makes it difficult to keep Chance Cube on the board.

Going into the top cut I was seeded 8th. First place was 8-0 with 7th Boba. I don't want to go over his deck... but with virtually no removal.. and his deck was high control.. it was about the worst matchup I could face.

eSister/eBoba (loss) first game I think I got MAYBE 6 damage in the whole game. terrible. didn't help that I lost Rose turn 1 and Ezra turn 2 (on top of him plucking my mitigation from my hand with a key Friends in Low Places).

second game was closer. Ezra had 4 health remaining. Sister had 1 health and Boba had 2 health. He didn't have lethal. Ezra was rolled in. I needed the 1 range side and didn't get it. Had I gotten the 1 range side I had enough vehicles out where I just needed to roll 2 damage before boba could roll double 2s. didn't happen.

Changes.. Outside of being god rolled against, the last game was the only one where I feel lack of removal crippled me. I DO wish I had included 1 or two more Rend for the Sabine meta. I got Republic Cruiser out in two games and it felt ok. it was worth 4-6 shields in both games it went out. But where you know Sabine plus blue friend are going to show up in force you need to account for 2 RI and 2 Force Speed. Without Rend MAYBE Republic Cruiser could have gone for something else. Entangle (and FILP) seem obvious, but most of the games they focused down Ezra to try and kill cards in my deck (fortunately only costing me Easy Picking). Another option that opened up RIGHT before this event was Fang Fighter.. Also a target for Aayla's special. If anything I should probably make that swap.

12 comentários

Shardaddy 58

how was fall back for you?

borghe 291

@Shardaddy it won my second Obi game. I also used it in my first Obi and Sabine though in that game even though it brought it close Sabine’s dice and 2x RI is still more than enough to close (he kept Second Chance). I also had it prepped for five wide villain (never needed it). I usually had enough money where if it meant removing 1 or 2 dice permanently it was solid.

Ion87 25

Congrats on some solid play! Hope other top 8’s showcase their spread. Wish I could have been there.

triplenine 8

Did the force illusion do much for you?

Gryn 20

How do you feel about adding 1x Chopper?

borghe 291

@triplenine funny you ask. One Force Illusion definitely does work. Two Force Illusions are trickier because you frequently get down to the last cards in the deck. There have been a number of times in testing where FI was dead on the table, and one time (against Sabine) where FI was dead on the table. I don't think it's on the block because it does work, and I worry about taking it to one copy if you don't draw into it. But it's definitely a crutch card for me. Interested in just trying to test making a clean break from it. It would definitely be the first card I cut trying to get in more mitigation.

@Gryn I would add another R2-D2 before that. R2 is the second best droid in the game right now, only because 3PO is so OP.

borghe 291

@triplenine by "dead on the table", I mean at the end of the game where you have 3-5 cards left in deck and they are able to put more damage on you than you have cards left.

Nemikan 32

Grats doing well! I've been meaning to try this deck a bit, and was out at the Chicago regionals as well. I went 3-3 then dropped. I ran a nonmeta variant focusing on spamming cheap supports w/o Rally Aid:

Won against 3 Sabine decks - each with someone different, Yoda, Kannan and Ezra. Lost to eObi/eMaz, Mill eYoda, 2xJehda, and ePoe/eMaz.

Some questions for you:

  1. How often did you end up claiming the battlefield?

  2. Did you ever end up with some awkward hands filled with Rally Aids, Tech Teams, events (which you may not have good targets for at the time), and 1 cost supports but not draw many vehicles? I take it those were your 50% failure turns of Rally Aid?

  3. Fall Back is probably the most awkward card with Rally Aid, did you find it convolutioned the value of Rally Aid over it's usefulness, especially when you could run say a 2nd Falcon, or the Pirate Speeder Tank?

  4. Having 3 characters helps a lot with surviving, did the Force Illusions and Cautions make a major difference in survivability (where otherwise you would have died) over using your resources for chaining into more resources / something more aggressive?

  5. What do are your thoughts on Flanking Maneuvers and/or Suppression Field in here?

  6. Mill is arguably the hardest for my deck as well, what do you think about running Maz Goggles to pull out their events?

borghe 291


  1. possibly never. I actually can't recall a claim. even mill claimed first.
  2. Some of what you describe may not be awkward. Rally Raid into tech team, or vice versa, is a legit move. Also most of my removal is "remove 1 or more dice. period." The only awkward removal card as a rally aid target is Easy Pickings.
  3. Fall Back I wouldn't Rally Aid. Fortunately as I stated earlier, by mid game money isn't much of an issue, so hard casting Fall Back is pretty easy at the right time.
  4. Flanking Maneuvers is a tough call... I am not a strong believer of leaving dice in the pool and the vast majority of my dice are unmodified sides. Leaving dice in the pool leaves them open for removal, or even worse, reversal removal (Deflect-like). Suppression Field is more mitigation, and could possibly be a contender for getting more mitigation in here. It works well with Rose, though Rose is almost always the first or second target.
  5. I did have 1x Goggles in here at one point, but I took it out for a second 3PO. You have a 16% chance to hit the special on it, so solely from grabbing events it's not reliable enough (and doesn't work with Aayla's special, and there are WAY better targets for 3PO and R2 IMHO). It's a good card but I think there are cards that work better in this deck. The mill strategy I believe is what I posted above. Y-Wing Y-Wing Y-Wing Y-Wing. You can chain Y-Wing with Aayla and R2, and hit it on demand with 3PO. Relating directly to your question, Y-Wing "pulls events" from their hand even better than Goggles in that most mill events require money. IMHO

borghe 291

and mill, if they win the BF, will take your BF for shields (for Rieekan) meaning play 1 Y-Wing is a thing.

Nemikan 32

@borghe Thanks for the response!

To your point about Y-wing being the answer to mill at least in my game against mill it didn't seem to work. I got a Y-wing out turn 2 and hit the special every turn from there forward (3+ turns at least). While it should have been effective, they negated it with their resources due to getting out 2x Scrap Heap turn 1. He primarily milled using Yoda (2 a turn + 2 resource gain / focus) and 2 from the Jedha each turn. That also may have been an edge case game, between some pretty bad rolls, and 2x Scrap Heap happening T1. He also spent his dice removal on my Y-wing when he could.

If you're never claiming, is the point of your battlefield solely if you win the roll you can play vehicles 1 cheaper turn 1? I run my deck with never claiming as well, and due to that, I'm running arguably the most worthless battlefield I can.

borghe 291

@Nemikan I haven’t run across eYoda mill yet. Just the current stand hero mill (3 die rainbow). Double Scrap Heap is definitely brutal but 1 y-wing is enough to negate that and two y-wings overloads it. And yeah your y-wing dice are usually public enemy number 1.

The point of the BF is close to what you are saying. This deck doesn’t often get initiative (12 zero sides) and my opponents have never been scared to take ours. So it gives you basically 1 extra resource at the start of the game while doing nothing for them the rest of the game. Like you are saying. Worthless to them but basically giving you 3 resources to start. Tech Team then HWK for free and you still have a resource left over.