New deck: Death Trooper Special

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joshshott 8


I am completely new to this game, but bought a bunch of boosters. I am playing in my first tournament in a few days and am looking for advice on if this is a viable build

6 comentários

JBowser 57


This deck should be playable as it is, but viable is a relative term. It really depends on what your opponents are bringing to the table. Triple Death Troopers will not win you any competitive tournaments, but it can be a solid deck.

One of the things that strikes me with this deck is that you have multiple damage types. You have upgrades that do , , and , but your character dice only have sides. Having too many different types of damage slow down your ability to deal the damage and can also make it hard to resolve modifiers, like the +2 on the Vibroknife. It is a good practice to pick one type of damage and do it well.

Another thing that you should look at is consistency. You have 24 1x cards in this deck. Most of the time, 2x of a card is better than 1x. It makes it a lot easier to get playable, useful cards every round.

For a start, I would recommend cutting Vibroknife, Stun Baton, Fragmentation Grenade in favor of weapons. DH-17 Blaster Pistol, F-11D Rifle, Holdout Blaster or E-11 Blaster would be great replacements.

Other than that, I would cut:

  • [AT-ST](/card/01005) in favor of anything that costs less than 6 resources.
  • [Backup Specialist](/card/05163) in favor of [Armored Support](/card/04010)
  • [Battle Formation](/card/02061) in favor of [Target Practice](/card/05089)
  • [Three Steps Ahead](/card/05090) in favor of [Tactical Mastery](/card/01074)
  • [Award Ceremony](/card/01138), [Cannon Fodder](/card/01068), [Bubble Shield](/card/05145) and some other cards in favor of some better removal such as [Outnumber](/card/05099), [Doubt](/card/02080), [The Best Defense...](/card/01075), [Flank](/card/01156), [Sound The Alarm](/card/04045), [Suppression](/card/02122), [Crash Landing](/card/05137), etc.
  • This one is a maybe, depending on what sort of mileage you are getting out of it, but I would cut [Outpost](/card/01053) in favor of more removal.

For a Finisher, you should look at Scorched Earth. It can catch people by surprise quite easily, and win you some games. People don't play around this card (yet), and they will often roll everything into their dice pool before they pitch a card to re-roll. This card usually deals between 5 and 9 damage.

A combo that can help you win games would be to play Tactical Mastery, followed by We Have Them Now, and then resolve your damage as the next action, giving your opponents no chance to remove your dice. For your deck, this combo will probably let you deal about 8 to a character.

Good luck!

JBowser 57

The formatting didn't quite turn out like the preview. Here's that list again...

I would cut:

AT-ST in favor of anything that costs less than 6 resources.

Backup Specialist in favor of Armored Support

Battle Formation in favor of Target Practice

Three Steps Ahead in favor of Tactical Mastery

Award Ceremony, Cannon Fodder, Bubble Shield and some other cards in favor of some better removal such as Outnumber, Doubt, The Best Defense..., Flank, Sound The Alarm, Suppression, Crash Landing, etc.

This one is a maybe, depending on what sort of mileage you are getting out of it, but I would cut Outpost in favor of more removal.

joshshott 8

I really appreciate you taking the time to provide such a detailed breakdown. I will take a look at your suggestions. For clarification on my part, is it the three death troopers in general that are too weak to be truly competitive, or is it the cards I chose? I'm trying to learn what people see or are looking for in a competition level deck

JBowser 57

It’s not just you/your creation. In general the 3 Death Trooper deck plays too “fairly”. The top tier decks are based on more complicated interactions that people typically describe as “broken”. A finely tuned Deathtrooper deck would be able to win some of the time, and there is a non zero chance that you could win a tournament, but the odds would be against you.

Here is a website that has a good break down and examples of the various decks that you are likely to face at a tournament: In general, these deck lists are pretty much exactly what the majority of people will bring to a tournament. Netdecking is the reality that we live in and that is good in some ways and bad in others. Personally, I don’t like following the crowd, but it can be a good starting point.

However, most players will have two decks that they bring with them when they go to play Destiny. A competitive deck, and a “fun” deck. In general, your Death Troopers would be more evenly matched with the “fun” deck.

JBowser 57

The current “fun” deck that I am working on is 3x First Order Stormtrooper with 1x Veteran Stormtrooper.

JBowser 57

Here is a good example of a budget deck that is highly competitive.