First order elite

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First order elite 1 1 0 7.0
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Patpatine 195

3 comentários

Hessian_Hessian_Hessian 239

Formidable deck. Any cards you need?

edwardrekishi 168

I'd recommend running Taking Ground. Also, focus your Upgrades and Supports. With no Redeploy, the DT-29 Heavy Blaster Pistol probably isn't as useful as having a second Wingman. I'd probably drop Scatterblaster for the same reason, unless it works well with Hux for you? Training might end up being less useful than keeping the resources it takes to play it for your Events and Dice. First Order TIE Fighter might also just end up slowing you down if you've only got the one - either go for more vehicles or probably none at all. I'd double down on your other supports, and run another Wingman. Hope this helps! Solid stuff you've got :)

Patpatine 195

Thanks for the tips