The tale of Trevor the Jedha - Top 8 Euros

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CharlieWonka 284

Let me tell you the tale of a Jedha Partisan named Trevor. Okay I have put the match ups I faced below. It's tricky to remember all the specific match ups so I'm not going to try. My thoughts on the choices and card in the deck are at the bottom.

Round 1 - eRey2/eAayla - Loss - 0-1

Round 2 - eMaul/e7th Sister - Loss - 0-2

Round 3 - ePalpatine - Win - 1-2

Round 4 - eObi/eMaz - Win - 2-2

Round 5 - eYoda/eEzra/Rookie Pilot - Win - 3-2

Round 6 - eHera/Yoda/Maz - Win - 4-2

Round 7 - eBala/eCiena/Nightsister - Win - 5-2

Round 8 - eObi/eMaz - Win - 6-2

Toughest game was Round 7 - I think I ended that game with 1 or 2 health left.

It was travelling in on the morning of Day 2 that the Jedha Partisan was more than just a Partisan. He'd done as much work as Yoda and Jar Jar so he needed a name and he became Trevor the Jedha.

Day 2 - Best of Three

Top 32 - eKylo2/eAnakin - Win - 2-0

Top 16 - eKylo2/eAnakin - Win - 2-1

Top 8 - eBoba/e7th Sister - Loss - 0-2

I played one other game against another Jar Jar player for fun after round 3 and managed to beat eYoda/eJar Jar/Rose as well.

Just taken this to a Store Championship and come out on top going 4-0. Here are the decks I faced.

Round 1 - eKylo2/eAnakin - Win

Round 2 - ePalpatine - Win

Round 3 - eBala/eTalzin/Trooper - Win

Round 4 - eRose/Wedge/Hired Gun - Win

I've always loved to play mill and my best result before this was with the General Rieekan - Defensive Mastermind version at a regional where I went 4-2 and came 6th. Euros straight after Worlds felt like a different proposition and I wasn't sure if I should go with a mill deck but I had two inspirations to go and do it. Firstly Sugi had taken a version similar to this with Rose - Skilled Mechanic over the Jedha to World's and went 3-3 so mill could hold it's own on the biggest stage. Secondly a friend passed me a version of the deck using these characters and it felt good to play but not 100% my style. We have 7 cards and the battlefield different. I added Caution, Roguish Charm, Bespin Wing Guard and a Second Chance to the deck as that fit my play style better but let's break the deck down.


Fairly straight forward - Yoda with a mill ability and a dice where each side has great usage. Jar Jar who is a free Sound the Alarm if you will but also feels like he creates a little game in your opponent's head. Do I activate him to get a re-roll. Should I activate him straight away so he can't re-roll my dice or should I try and use him as a re-roll for me? a fabulously designed character and just like Yoda - every dice side is useful. Jedha has an inbuilt mill ability just like Yoda and let's you have spot yellow cards active for much longer and there are so many important yellow cards for this deck. My favourite thing to see is for someone to activate Jar Jar first as there first action and immediately give me dice to use and we will take any sides we get. We could even roll in Yoda right there and have 4 dice to use straight away and they could all threaten mill. Every dice has a discard side so you can hit 1 or 2 a turn easily. I can't remember who I was playing but I'd rolled in Yoda and got three specials with a Force Meditation. they activated Jar Jar which was going to re-roll all my Yoda dice. And Jar Jar rolled 2 discard and so did Yoda - 4 discard - don't mind if I do. That was the hand completely gone as there first action was to play a weapon.


Why the Power Generator Trench - Death Star I you might ask. Why not something that pushes your mill like a discard from hand or the Command Center - Lothal? I think these can hurt me if my opponent claims and, well the main crux of the deck is to remove as much dice showing damage as possible. Now you might then say Frozen Wastes - Starkiller Base removes dice and you'd be right but the power generator trench can stop damage and sneakily forwards our plan of discard as it leaves the dice there and tempts our opponent to re-roll as it could be so much more than a blank for them. So we win both ways. If they leave it they get nothing from the dice. If they re-roll it we get a free side. If they use it then we don't mind at all it means they are done. Our dice are less important than their damage dice. We don't need to kill them. We have options to then Caution with the blanked dice or re-roll ourselves. I'm pretty sure this battlefield should be the mill battlefield of choice unless you can be super fast.


OKay so there aren't many to fit in this section.

Force Meditation This is the workhorse of the deck. Hope to see this as early as possible and will always keep it if in my first hand. 2 Cards almost every turn with Yoda and if not the other sides are fine. Four cards a turn mill with one upgrade and if their entire hand goes that's 9 cards a turn. Could be all over by turn 4.

Cunning An excellent second option and awesome when you have Yoda on the board. A third Yoda dice if you will. Amazing when the force meditation is on the board. You need one special and it is 5 cards milled. that turn. Let's not forget that it has a focus and a natural discard side that are going to help.

Roguish Charm This slot could be flexible with personal taste but I find Roguish charm is great. With a cunning on the board you can potentially remove two damage dice a turn probably forcing re-rolls for damage as well. That's a lot of time you can gain to mill. It too has a natural discard side. Possibly one of my favourite upgrades at the moment. I try and squeeze it into all my yellow decks at the moment. I could see other upgrades in this slot. Con Artist for a faster mill, Maz's Goggles for it's special and a lot of focus. I tried a version using Maz and had the googles in that but the inbuilt mill and discard side of Trevor won me over in the end. I'm sure there are probably other upgrade you could have here too.

Second Chance This was a last minute include. I just thought it could be really frustrating for my opponent to not be able to take out Jar Jar due to this. It was better than that though. It actually won me games where I was down to my last character and would have lost but this gave me that extra little bit of time to finish out a game with Trevor or Jar Jar.

24 comentários

Eizig 1

Congrats again man... It was a pleasure to play against you, well deserved top 8. Definitely gonna try this deck real soon.

Razelll 244

What decks did you play against in the tournament?

FeCaprino 112

Hey! Congrats on the amazing run!!

Couple of questions: who did people mostly target first? Yoda? Did you feel resource starved at any point?

Thanks in advance, and congratulations once again!

CharlieWonka 284

@Razelll I’ll update with a run down on all my matches soon.

@FeCaprino Yoda was pretty much always the first target my opponent went for. Didn’t feel resource starved. With 5 dice you almost hit an extra 1 a turn and there’s always Yoda special sides but I didn’t hit a match up that actively did that. I was worried about Hondo and Thrawn match ups most of all but didn’t have to face one.

CharlieWonka 284

@Eizig Thanks, everyone I played was super cool and made it a great tournament. I’m glad I got a true European experience as well playing against players from Poland, Sweden, France, Norway, Italy and Spain

RodyFigueiredo 134

Congrats for your result man, nice play! Only one question, i think it´s obvious but...... Why not try vandalize? Tnks!

CharlieWonka 284

@RodyFigueiredo I spent most of the second half of day 1 and all of day two wishing I had it. When I was building the deck, I wanted as much removal as possible and was trying to put it in the deck and convinced myself that I wouldn’t need it and that I’d only use it for Ancient Sabers. My brain didn’t remind me that Lightsaber Pull was actually a thing and they could go and get it all the time. It made me have to play around it by leaving an overturn effect in play when an Ancient was on the board or claiming early to Bespin it when the opponent was out of cards. 100% include it if you try this out.

Unseen99 1

I was the villain that got lucky enough to knock jar jar out of his worlds spot (cue barrage of rotten tomatoes). Absolutely agree that vandalise is needed. In our second game i was dead on board with 1 card in hand and none in library and only having the 2 ancients in play was enough to eke out the win. WIll definitely give this a try it seemed a ton of fun to pilot. Can also vouch that @CharlieWonka was the nicest mill player i have ever met :)

CharlieWonka 284

@Unseen99 Appreciate that John, it was a pleasure to play against you. I was thinking back to that game and I think I made a tiny error as pretty sure I played Scruffy for an event when I had seen the back up muscle. I should have said support and then I may have sneaked game 2 as I had a Chute for Yoda to jump down. Would have needed to be incredibly lucky that you only rolled two base damage though. You played flawlessly and deserve the spot at Worlds.

Unseen99 1

yeah i think it would have made a difference, no rerolls would have made it a nail biting roll out for me

FeCaprino 112

@CharlieWonka what would you cut for the Vandalize? I've never played Roguish Charm (ever!). Can you tell us a litttle about it's inclusion and uses? (I'm guessing the special as removal is great, but is it worth paying 2 for?) Thanks again!

CharlieWonka 284

@FeCaprino The weakest card is probably Negotiate. I’d cut those. I’d always use removal that was spot a colour first so it got the least use overall but did come in handy in some situations.

Roguish Charm is amazing in this deck. The perfect board set up was a Yoda with Force Meditation. Jar Jar with Roguish Charm and Cunning. Original the roguish charm was not in the deck. It was con artist for a more faster mill or resource denial. I wanted more damage removal from dice. You eventually run out of cards to stop damage dice or sometimes don’t draw them but with these two cards you have the chance to stop and remove two dice a turn that show damage. Yoda can consistently get you those sides if you didn’t roll them. This is just going to help to give you more time to mill their deck and keep the opponent under pressure. And let’s not forget it has a discard side too.

FeCaprino 112

@CharlieWonka Thanks for the insights and congrats again!! :D

Razelll 244

Waiting for the tale of Trevor the Jedha. :-D

CharlieWonka 284

@Razelll Quick update for you and everyone with the match ups

Gaute&Filip 34

@CharlieWonkaHi! I was the other Jar Jar! It was great fun to follow your progress through the tournament. I went 4-4 in the end with my set up. Playing you between rounds 3 and 4 was great fun. That mill was strong, and you had me down way quicker than expected. Well deserved top 8! It was fun to see that "off meta" lists could actually make the cut.

CharlieWonka 284

@Gaute&Filip Was an absolute pleasure to meet you. I’d be interested to see your Jar Jar build in full as well. I’d have been happy with 4-4 at the beginning of the tournament as I had no expectations how well this deck would do, sometimes it comes down to being lucky enough to get more favourable match ups.

Gaute&Filip 34

I was very happy with 4-4 in the end. My goal going in was at least one victory, so I exceeded my expectations by a mile. I made a huge misplay in my 7th round match, which lead me to 4-3 at that point. I'm not saying that I would have won that match, but I just wish i didn't hand the victory over freely. (I simply forgot that I cannot block Vibroknife with Force Illusion, and that cost me Yoda way too early). I will do a writeup of my decklist soon.

Eizig 1

@CharlieWonkaI played against you in Round 5 :) Are you playing on TTS? Would love to play against you again some time !

CharlieWonka 284

@Eizig I do indeed have TTS. I’m LandoWonka on there. Would be great to play some more games with you.

Razelll 244

@CharlieWonkaThanks for the report, and good job at top 8 and beating some tier 1 decks.

CharlieWonka 284

Updated with extra write up.

Eizig 1

@CharlieWonkaThis is super interesting. I love the strategy behind the battlefield choice, I saw you switch a damage side to a blank while claiming, and then giggle when said opponent proceed to reroll just to get a shield or something like that. It's genius :). I've added you on steam by the way!

CharlieWonka 284

@Eizig that’s awesome. I’ll likely be heading onto TTS tonight and tomorrow.