Doctor Droids - Tourney Winner

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Chances: 0% – 0% mais
Derivado de
Droids 0 0 0 1.0
Inspirado por
Aphra Grievous 2BD 0 0 0 1.0
Aphra / Grievous / BattleDroid / BattleDroid 1 1 0 1.0

Bigulf 821

I had to replace some of the higher costing cards to add cards that generate resources and the deck was much smoother. Played 5 games tonight beating K-2SO/Mace, Phasma/FOST, Snoke/DJ, Yoda/Lando, and Palp/Watto. Keep Doctor Aphra - Artifact Hunter alive above all else as she is your card draw engine as well as adding a 3rd resource a round when playing a droid.

18 comentários

magnumchops 13

I don't know what you're going to remove (solid list, for sure) to include a Riot Shield and/or Modular Frame. one keeps Aphra alive longer and the other makes the droids and/or GG stronger and able to take more direct or self inflicted indirect.

Bigulf 821

Both of those cards were in the original build of the deck and were cut for Testing Procedure and Crackdown. Once that change was made the deck ran MUCH smoother. Using Aphra’s ability. you can easily go through your entire deck in 4 turns which feeds you a ton of removal and droids and just puts too much pressure on your opponent.

crossjd 1

climate disruption array? hailfire droid tank? tech team?

magnumchops 13

@Bigulf sounds good to me!

Bigulf 821

@crossjd those are all great cards and I will try and explain why they are not in my deck. Climate Disruption Array and Hailfire Droid Tank we in and out of the deck during testing and the main reason not to include them was due to the cost. If mill becomes more of a thing then Climate Disruption Array will find its way back in. If the other 2 cards find there way back to the deck then Tech Team would be a logical include.

lij_xo 252

Have you considered just 1 Inferno Squad ID10 Seeker Droid. It's free with Aphra and just so good, especially since you can't play Scruffy Looking Nerf-Herder.

Bigulf 821

No I haven’t and I am not totally against the idea. Thanks for the input.

dralikin 56

@BigulfI run a similar version of this and was wondering what other folks thought of Smuggling Ring. I like the idea of getting the extra resources but I feel like it might slow the deck down too much?

Bigulf 821

I personally don’t like it as it takes 2 activations just to pay for itself and as far as speed goes I could honestly care less in this deck as I am not rolling in a bunch of powerful dice at once and want to resolve them before my opponent can use any removal. This deck plays slow and methodical and eventually gets where it needs to be. Typical turn I try and activate BT-1 early so I can get my card draw going to see what my options are, then play a droid, then some removal, then I get around to activating things. Except for the droids which have a +2 Indirect I don’t have many dice with modifiers so I tend to resolve dice as I go to prevent any blowout mass removal cards. In current standard there is no Hyperspace Jump or Retreat to worry about or play around so take your time and maximize every turn.

dralikin 56

Yeah that's more or less what I was thinking. I was playing against a mill deck a lot last weekend to test and felt like if I did anything but use resources on supports to squeeze more damage out it was an auto loss.

Bigulf 821

Ya, don’t think this deck can beat mill without Climate Disruption Array played early.

klopow 1

I'm pretty new to this game, so I may be missing the obvious - how are you able to run these four character cards? The cost appears to be 32 points?

the BEAST 1128

@klopowGeneral Grievous - Droid Armies Commander Decreases the point of each Battle Droid down to 5, which makes them cost 11, 9, 5, 5 for a total of 30 points.

klopow 1

Oh, nevermind, I see Grievous' ability now. Like I said, missed the obvious!

Bigulf 821

Ya, 32 points worth of char with 31 HPs makes this play style and deck type work.

Gold Leader 8

I gave this a try the other night and really enjoyed it. I think you're spot on dropping things like Hailfire and focusing on resource generation. One thing I felt strongly and am curious what your thoughts are on it @Bigulf, it seems like this deck is heavily dependent on getting 0-0-0 out turn one, that it really needs that consistent damage to the opponent as it damages itself.

Bigulf 821

I hard mulligan for BT-1 and 0-0-0. The deck has insane card draw ability so if you don’t see either of those in your opening hand you can use card like Crash Landing, Dangerous Maneuver, and you By Any Means in conjunction with Doctor Aphra - Artifact Hunter ability to dig for the droids you need.

Bigulf 821

Don’t forget, if you need to draw more to dig for droids or removal you can resolve the IND damage against yourself to draw using Aphra ability.