Cheat without Cheat

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Cheat without Cheat 1 1 5 3.0

quidquid 19

This was my deck at Evolutions Games Store Championship. I had a lot of fun and played some fabulous opponents. Han/Rey is strong and I was surprised no one else was running it. With six ambush weapons plus swiftness, you can consistently action cheat. Force Speed helps assists in this process allowing you to roll out both characters and resolve dice before giving your opponent an opportunity to respond. A few notes on card choices and play tips:

  1. Flex slots are Handcrafted Light Bow and Unpredictable. You can find something better for both of those slots but I like the Light Bow and Unpredictable is fine. Loth-Cat and Mouse ends up being a fabulous card given that you usually end up resolving the dice you want to resolve before they get an opportunity to roll out. Therefore, you are only giving them the option to remove what you don't want. Guard is one of my new favorite cards given how often I see Rey - Force Prodigy's +2 side or Vibroknife's +2 .

  2. In terms of play tips, overwrite upgrades to conserve resources when given the choice. A significant amount of your damage requires resources so given the chance to have two Holdout Blaster or one Blaster and two resources, I would always choose the latter. Plus, this will allow you to claim and put the ambush weapon on top of your deck, allowing you to action cheat the next turn. Speaking of claiming, you usually will have your battlefield and the option to claim given how quickly you move. Your characters dice have some of the highest average die values in the game, statistically beating Poe/Maz and Palpatine, so you should be able to select your battlefield. If you don't get your battlefield, put shields on Rey - Force Prodigy. Never forget your shields off of ambush triggers on Han Solo - Scoundrel. Save your Riposte to kill characters unless your shielded character is going to die. Mulligan for either Holdout Blaster, Vibroknife, or Force Speed+Swiftness. Jedi Robes is obviously great as well. After that you want some removal. Throwback anything that costs three and Riposte.

  3. The deck definitely has weaknesses. Guardian can be pretty brutal so Captain Phasma - Elite Trooper/X/X can be dangerous. This is because Rey - Force Prodigy only has one black damage side and when a trooper eats it, it feels pretty bad. I was lucky not to run into any Captain Phasma - Elite Trooper. You're also weak to any Vibroknife decks because of their general apathy towards shields. Try to remove the Vibroknife die when you can and you should be able to outlast them, given Second Chance. On that note, do not be afraid to overwrite a damage upgrade for Second Chance. Although I never played Second Chance during the tournament, I've lost a few games in the past because I refused to overwrite things for it.

  4. Last note, I'm not a fan of Ammo Belt. If you want to try it, go for it but I haven't liked it in testing. It seems a bit clunky but you could conceivably use it as an action cheat with Rey - Force Prodigy and Swiftness.

Anyways, best of luck! If you win anything, let me know. I've been playing Han Solo - Scoundrel/Rey - Force Prodigy for a bit and I think SoR has made the deck top tier because of how consistently it plays now. It can definitely beat Poe/Maz (I beat two in the top four) and might be a good meta choice right now. Cheers!

5 comentários

TakeoSVK 26

First of all, you can't play Guard removing the Vibroknice die as it is not a blue die...

quidquid 19

Yup, meant Light Bow. Check the updated list. What's second?

TakeoSVK 26

Your deck is fairly similar to mine. Considering the events, I have 2x High Ground instead of Unpredictable. This choice depends only on the play style. I was often discarding Unpredictable to reroll all of my dice and using it only when I needed the shield for Riposte.

For upgrades, I am not a huge fan of Force Speed in this deck and I think Fast Hands are better. I am as well not using Jedi Robes but 2x Maz's Goggles which is adding me some consistency - 2 focus sides and 2 resource sides are brilliant considering that Ray has +1 resource side which can't be resolved from time to time. And this deck likes to have tons of resources. The last difference is that I have Bowcasters instead of Bows. The idea behind it is that Bowcasters have redeploy so I can replace DL-44 with them for just 1 extra resource - it feels bad to loose Rey with 3 cost upgrade.

quidquid 19

Sounds great! I'll have to test out some of these. The Goggles sound really interesting. I'm not sure about Bowcaster but maybe I'll swap a Light bow out and test one. Cheers!

TakeoSVK 26

Nice to hear you like my ideas. Denitely try it out! :) I am playing Han + Rey since Awakenings. Bow is fine against the mirror match as special on it is really nice if your target has some shields (also Qui-Gon is a nice target). But I think Bowcaster is adding some consistency as you can have it on Rey without fear of loosing valuable upgrades when she is killed and is better in general (disrupt is fine on it as well).