All Out Melee Vader Raider

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All Out Melee Vader Raider 0 0 1 1.0
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Wanted to try to create a faster, meaner Vader/Raider. I took out Sith Holocron and any Force Ability Upgrades that cost over 2 hoping to be able to power up Vader first and Tusken Raider pretty soon afterwards without having to rely on equipping Holocron and hoping for a and then resolving and hoping for ANOTHER . Another obvious exclusion is Backup Muscle. I feel like it slows the deck down too much in order for me to ever hope to claim.

Fast Hands is a pretty obvious 2-of in this deck. If I can use it to immediately resolve Vader's 2 , it could completely ruin any plans my opponent may have for that round.

Force Illusion The only reason I'm running this as a 2-of is because of the popularity of Poe/Maz, hopefully this can keep some of that burst damage off Vader.

Force Speed I'd run two if I had two. Great card that speeds up the deck and allows me to claim quicker.

Kylo Ren's Lightsaber Just a 1-of. I feel the regular Lightsaber is better because of redeploy and no play restrictions. Plus the regular saber has a side to combo with Bait and Switch.

Lightsaber Great melee sides, side and, as stated above, a side for Bait and Switch

Lure of Power Mainly using it to increase my but obviously it's a very versatile upgrade.

Makashi Training It's like Jetpack but for decks. Great modifier sides and it can help to counter other .

Vibroknife Unblockable and Ambush. Basically an 2-of in any strategy.

Bait and Switch I initially overlooked this card but after seeing many decklists including it, I added it in and I couldn't be happier. It's ALMOST like another Force Strike. Plus my upgrades have plenty of sides to combo.

Deflect Had 2 of them in here, but took one out in order to add in another "omni" dice removal card. Can still be strong in the right matchup. (Looking at you, Papa Palpatine)

Electroshock Almost always a 2-of in Yellow decks. Great removal, can get rid of nasty sides.

Feel Your Anger I'm not completely sold on this card. It definitely has its uses, but many times I'm stuck holding it waiting for my opponent to roll , which is why it's currently a 1-of.

Force Strike Vader loves this card. One for 3 ? Sign me up.

He Doesn't Like You Since I feel this deck is a little slower than others in the current meta, I like this as a 1-of. Obviously you have to have rolled out a character before you can do anything about your opponent's dice, and I don't like having to remove my own dice, but it can definitely have a huge impact in the right spot.

Isolation One of the best Blue removal cards in the game right now, in my opinion.

One-Quarter Portion This 1-of replaced my second copy of Deflect. I like the omni-removal it provides, you just have to be careful with giving your opponent any .

Use The Force I like this card a lot. It's versatile in that it can be used for offense or defense. One to turn any die to any side is pretty worth a 2-of in my book.

It Binds All Things I'm not in love with having 2 of these in my deck but I also recognize that this deck runs low on which is why I want to hopefully get it in my opening hand to reduce the costs of my Blue upgrades for the rest of the game.

Some other cards I've considered but aren't currently in the deck are: Doubt, Cheat, Overconfidence, and Rise Again (this one is low on totem pole because of aforementioned lack of ).

Running Imperial Armory - Death Star so I can hopefully cheat some costs on some of my upgrades.

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