Working for the Mon

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Working for the Mon 0 0 0 1.0
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Working for the Mon 0 0 0 3.0

MTUethomas 39

I pulled Mon Mothma - Skilled Politician and Rebel Commando and traded a Jedi Acolyte for a Padawan to replace Hired Gun so that it could be in this deck.

I'm especially interested in getting Planned Explosion to go off using lots of re-rolling.

I added more dice concentrated on upgrades, especially red upgrade dice. There are still a number of droids so rolling out sometimes takes a while.

I'd like to keep the emphasis on events and am starting to wonder with Mon Mothma - Skilled Politician's ability if it might not actually be better to go all 3 colors in order to more fully mess with opponent die. It can be tricky to remember to use those rerolls but they help alot with getting that 10.

2 comentários

DarthSharn 1

You would have to replace command not hired gun. Otherwise you could not use any of your yellow cards as you would not have any yellow characters to allow them in the deck. That being the case, maybe go with Rey at 1 die. Also if you have it C3PO may be a better choice than the astromech. I do like your idea. This looks like it could be alot of fun.

MTUethomas 39

I had C-3PO in here before - I agree with putting him back in.

I do have Rey - Force Prodigy. She can Use The Force and roll out a little fast. I could drop Squad Tactics, Wingman, and It's a Trap! for blue events. I kind of want rerolling cards instead of .

Thanks for the input ... Whenever I run Mon Mothma - Skilled Politician, I want to be rainbow.