eBaze eSnap

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Baze and Snap - European Championship Top 4 55 44 9 1.0
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Poro on Mars 19

This is a fairly fun deck derived from the one that placed top 4 in the EU Championship.

Baze Malbus - Crack Shot deals your damage, Temmin "Snap" Wexley - Recon Specialist is your control. Snap will prevent your opponents from claiming the battlefield, which you will love to use with the die in this deck. Some cards are built around that, like Planetary uprising.

Snap is annoying, but he can't win you the game himself. If your opponents focus Snap to get access to the battlefield, then put your upgrades on Baze. If they focus Baze, because he's the real damage, then Snap NEEDS upgrades to win.

Final thoughts, unsure about Rebel War Room - Yavin IV vs Separatist Base - Mustafar.

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