They just keep coming! Endless $wag variant

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Endless $wag 2.1 - Poe/Maz edit! 16 11 11 1.0
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They just keep coming! Endless $wag variant v 2.0 0 0 2 2.0

Ludodoc 168

My take on Endless $wag by Tybrid. VERY fun deck to play, when you no longer concern yourself with claiming the battlefield and resign yourself to moving slow, it allows for the use of a lot of cards that don't see a lot of play otherwise. I think of this deck like a tank - all about taking a lot of hits and still dishing out the hurt. Lots of pay sides, but between Aftermath, Underworld Connections, Logistics, and Imperial War Machine you can usually pay for what you need. Endless Ranks is crucial in keeping you alive long enough to finish them off.

Enjoy and let me know if you have any thoughts!

2 comentários

Tybrid 922

I am of course, a fan. Have you played this into any Funkar builds? I've been testing "Fair" Trade in the deck after switching the field to Moisture Farm - Tatooine. I've found it to be very effective vs the various choke decks plaguing the meta.

Ludodoc 168

@TybridI haven't tried it out against Funkar yet - I could see that being a challenging deck when it comes to the choke component. Speaking of which, almost definitely the AT-ST should come out in any competitive situation due to the risk of a Kylo Ren - Vader's Disciple special or Unkar Plutt - Junk Dealer discard for resources effect. It is just really fun to get on the table in casual play. "Fair" Trade is an interesting thought - it feels like it would be too situational (I have to have rolled a resource, have few resources myself, and they have to have a lot of resources they haven't spent yet) but if you start finding that it is proving pretty versatile let me know and I will give it a try!