FO Enforcers - Aggro and Direct Damage

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FN's Toys 0 0 0 1.0

oldredhat 8

The object of this deck is to take advantage of direct damage that can't be mitigated directly.

Both FN-2199 - Loyal Trooper and Kylo Ren - Tormented One have great direct damage abilities.

Pair these with small but brutally cumulative effects from cards like Lightsaber Throw, Hate, Crossguard Lightsaber, and Kylo's Activation and you have a very fast and very aggressive deck that hits hard and also has a bleeding effect.

Aftermath is my most overlooked card of the previous set, and it has had a good effect in all of my test games.

You should be very careful with your control: Isolation and The Best Defense... to make sure you get the most out of them. Ideally I'd like to add Rend for imperial inspection, but I'm not sure what to cut.

Anyway let me know what you think and how it plays for you!

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