My son wouldn't kill me.

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My son wouldn't kill me. 0 0 6 1.0
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NemesisTK 11

My first shot at a split damage build, with small elements for a mid/late game mill advantage. (Loose ends). Designed to play fast enough to get some claims.

Update, I added two light sabers in place of kylos light sabers for redeploy. Kylo seems to be the target in matches, so that makes sense.

I dropped one on the hunt because I found I would often discard the second for a re roll or favor other upgrades. One force illusion is gone, this is riskier as it prevented 6 damage later game and prevented Kylo getting taken out. I might put it back in, but have to play more.

I added two salvage stands due to jengos double resource sides and I seemed to land resources regularly. and stripping resources seemed to frustrate opponents that had bigger ideas of what they were saving for.

I have noted frustration in my opponents with this deck. It can hit hard early, has strong control, and has quirky mill elements. It seems to keep people off balance. I'll continue to play it and make adjustments. I welcome suggestions.

3 comentários

Aorakis 4

Mouahaha +1 for the name ! ^^

NemesisTK 11

I'm glad you got it, thanks ^^)

Aorakis 4

@NemesisTK You damn' right i got it ! ^^

I hate that hairy kid ! He's the worst sith ever !

First he stop a blaster, you thought ! "Oooh yeaaah ! Dat Badassssss !"

Then he can't fight a little girl as he try to..; to... i don't know ! Stupid kid ! He could have just force push her hard against a tree, but no... Baby Kiddo want to play with his saber...

DAMN stupid kid ! ^^