Kylo Phasma Stage 2

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Kyloed Phasma 0 1 0 1.0
Kyloed Phasma 0 1 0 2.0
Kylo Phasma Stage 2 w/EAW 7 5 0 2.0

TheHyperloops 3691

This a budget decklist made with cards from the 2 player starter, past set commons, uncommons, cheap rares and no legendary cards. It is featured in the article How to be be a Starter Deck Hero: Budget for New Players

3 comentários

Gigaman87 1

My Fiancee and I are THOROUGHLY enjoying both stage 2 decks. Any suggestions for evolving this deck?

TheHyperloops 3691

Hey @Gigaman87I've worked a bunch on the heroes side since they seemed more interesting and less obviously good. I posted a list for the stage 3 version on here and on for the heroes but dont have anything for the villains.SwDestinyDB probably has some lists you can draw inspiration from.

Boba-Todd 1

Will there be a Stage 3 write up like you did for Rey/Poe?