Just wait till I get my plot card...

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rzenni 229

Can General Grievous work? Probably not.

But one day... when I get my plot card... then you’ll see! you’ll all see!

3 comentários

bellefarniente 1

He's definitely not top tier, but I think Grievous can work - especially when you pair him with someone like 2Kylo. There's a pretty tasty deck list on here somewhere for exactly that pairing, and it seems ace.

Definitely agree that he will benefit more than most from Plots though, and I really excited to see what this means for him!

rzenni 229

He’s at a weird cost point with no great pairings, but as new characters and Plot cards come in, he will become more and more viable. I hope! :)

GenghisDon 100

every time I play General Grievous - Jedi Hunter with yellow, I have to add Personal Shield to keep him alive long enough to get going. His 10 HP is a major downer for a 13/18 cost character. I wish they would have made him 12/16 with 11HP. Maybe they will make print and play updates for outdated characters....