Chewie's Chance (W-Guide)

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Chances: 0% – 0% mais
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Razzamatazz 56


The whole idea of the deck centers around Maz Kanata - Pirate Queen and her interaction with Chance Cube with the end result hopefully being a fully loaded Chewbacca - Loyal Friend and numerous supports to assist him.


To start the match you want to hard mull for a hand with at least one Chance Cube.

If you are lucky enough to get one in your first hand you are then looking for Truce and any of the 5 supports preferably LR1K Sonic Cannon then Strike Team or Launch Bay.


Having this combination should allow you to Chance Cube into Maz Kanata - Pirate Queen for 4 due to her ability you can usually refocus the Chance Cube so it hits 4 . Next action you play then play Truce to net you a total 5 and play down the sonic cannon leaving you the Rookie Pilot to save you from paying the resource cost of the dices side.

Obviously this opening hand does not occur as frequently as you would like. That's why you include Award Ceremony. Because have a 54% chance of drawing one of either Chance Cube or Award Ceremony meaning pretty much every time you should hit one of the two.

Award Ceremony allows you to not really mind missing Chance Cube first turn and pretty much guarantee you hit it by turn 2.

In this situation you simply play the first turn like normal, activating all of your characters then Award Ceremony for 3 more cards meaning by turn 2 you have gone through more than 1/3 of your deck. (Not ideal but get you to where you need to be, being Maz Kanata - Pirate Queen with chance cube)

The deck also includes a lot of low cost mitigation including Electroshock, Loth-Cat and Mouse, Sound The Alarm and Unpredictable which you want to use early before they kill of Maz Kanata - Pirate Queen.


The deck also includes Running Interference which allows you to not only slow down faster decks but works extremely well with your ambush cards (Truce, Unpredictable, Strike Team and realistically Partnership as you can pay to make it ambush.

This allows you to use your LR1K Sonic Cannon or Launch Bay without fear of your dice being mitigated or even worse thrown back into you. You play one of the ambush cards and tap Running Interference, they cannot play a card then activate LR1K Sonic Cannon and hope to hit a 5 or 6 .

Once you hopefully have a big support (or 2) out you can begin loading up Chewbacca - Loyal Friend. You wanna load him up with either DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol or Bowcaster first if you can as you really want those extra instead of the +.

The battlefield Starship Graveyard - Jakku allows you to throw away your upgrades and supports and get them back when needed. DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol works well as if you already have it on you can override for extra dice mitigation or upgrade to a Bowcaster for 1 .

Another good mid-game card is Partnership as you can either Maz Kanata - Pirate Queen LR1K Sonic Cannon for instant big damage or Chewbacca - Loyal Friend Strike Team for a possible huge hit.


The deck also features some good tech cards that help late game such as Lone Operative, Our Only Hope and Second Chance.

Even from the start of the game if you mulligan trying not to get weapons you have a 40% chance of hitting a 3 weapon, upgrade or support with Our Only Hope.

Our Only Hope is also really good late game if you use up most/all of your control cards.

You also have Lone Operative for Chewbacca - Loyal Friend closer to the end of game to help keep him in the fight. Second Chance is also really good to put on either Maz Kanata - Pirate Queen early game or Chewbacca - Loyal Friend late game.

Because the deck runs Starship Graveyard - Jakku you can reuse Second Chance multiple times. You can also feel good discarding some big support early game then finish early to stack next turn given you have enough .


This deck in it's current form is by no means super competitive but is really fun to play and if you're lucky can pump out some huge damage.

Any comments in relation to improving the deck welcomed!

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