That's K-Rey

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That's K-Rey 0 0 0 2.0

Reelmancoop 10

This is a great deck that's great for casual events or play.

7 comentários

Ramin2-D2 550

maybe throw in an original Light Saber (redeploy) instead of Master Of The Council (blue only).

Reelmancoop 10

Thanks for the suggestion, @Ramin-2D2. My goal is to get Master of the Council out on Rey, and use the Battlefield to move it over to K-2SO - Reprogrammed Droid, (Cargo Hold ignores play restrictions). I will test it with the saber. See if that makes a difference. It's a fun, challenging deck to run, and can punish if the pieces line up.

vrbulldog22 1

Cargo Hold is definitely a dual edged sword since opponent can claim & throw something off Rey onto K2 to make you lose his ability. You might wanna just rely on Bestow. Funeral Pyre kinda does the same job but is trickier to use since K2 is likely first to die.

PorgChop 293

This shit look krey krey.


@vrbulldog22 Not quite, as K-2 specifically references you in his ability so you don't 'lose' it if an Opponent moves something to K-2

vrbulldog22 1

@CHEF ok, but you still lose his reactivation through claiming anyways. Idk i feel like he isnt worth the points if you cant get the second swing with him.

Reelmancoop 10

I did switch this battlefield for Docking Bay.