Fun with Yellow! Hope I don't hit Kylo...

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not Wedge 1

This is a deck I made for fun, and then went back and fine tuned. Hasn't won a tournament yet, but it has beaten a Poe / Sabine, Thrawn/Cad, and something else (I forgot, but it probably isn't super relevant).

The goal is simple: Keep Jyn alive as long as possible. Every game runs on a clock, and you want to stop yours. Every card in this deck is geared to do it, and you will have enough resources to play them.

Characters: Jyn Erso - Reckless Operative Is amazing economy, essentially netting you one extra resource per round, with the catch that it must be used on a yellow event - good thing you have a lot! She also has pretty consistent dice, and you will almost always be able to deal damage or discard your opponents cards, both moving toward victory for you.

Ezra Bridger - Force-sensitive Thief Is also amazing economy, but a bit more conventional. His dice are annoying enough that people will target him first (and then lose)

Upgrades: Datapad Is perfect for Ezra, having with him essentially 4 resource sides, and that special into special is occasionally under estimated.

DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol Is some simple control, and also some nice damage sides with ambush. The blanks are annoying, but not unstoppable. being able to overwrite into second chance isn't bad either.

Holdout Blaster Play this onto Ezra early, and your opponent has a problem: Jyn is going to be more powerful, but Ezra is also going to deal damage, and probably be able to get close to killing a character.

Jetpack is there for the damage, and gets to stay for the removal. It helps get Jyn to the late game, and can be overwritten for something better if need be.

Lone Operative is critical to the long term survival of Jyn. Healing three (Or two, if Ezra hasn't died yet) is pretty good with second Chance, and this diea is also solid with damage and Discard.

Second Chance is here because this is a yellow deck, and hero, so two is probably is good plan.

Supports: Improvisation allows you to get some rerolls without discarding, and because you want most of your events, that's good.

Millennium Falcon is a great die, and can let you get off infinite second chance (Just you wait), and get a whole bunch of nice things.

Play the Odds is more rerolls, and the ability isn't bad, but I'm not really counting on it.

Events (the bread and butter of the Deck: Cheat is probably a card I'll take out, but for now its good to get off extra second chances. Use it and discard an upgrade that you won't play in the late game.

Disarm Is reroll fodder on your field because you won't claim enough but otherwise, it lets Ezra's modified sides negate damage! fun!

Double-Cross Removal, and it does damage! The die removal is sad though, but Ezra is there for a reason!

Electroshock - do you like removal? Do you Like free Removal? do you like removal without a real downside? That's what this is. Get rid of a die, for free, as long as it is the first action of your turn.

Friends in Low Places - Like cheat, I am considering removing this, but for now, playing it at the end of a turn is nice.

Let The Wookiee Win More control! It's not too good against fast decks though, so watch out.

Long Con A reroll and three resources isn't bad, and falcon lets you gain more and more. Just don't play it as your first yellow even on a turn, as it will cost you a resource.

Negotiate Remove more! although you don't get to choose which two, you can mitigate a lot with this.

Rebel this card is VERY important for this deck. Playing it on a second chance to overwrite a holdout is great, playing it from the discard with falcon to play second chance for two is great, playing things from the discard in general is great. Made for Jyn, it never lets me down.

Reversal Is a shocker, as you get to play it for two, and this has won me games. It can be a massive swing, and using it on base sides is great.

Sabotage Much like disarm, reroll fodder on your battlefield, but on theirs, you can get rid of Planetary Uprising and Drop Zone or other supports cheaply.

Shoot First More removal! Resolving one of your own dice is just a bonus.

Common Cards I'm not using: Rend Discarding a zero-cost with your field is useless, and disarm / sabotage can both discard too.

Truce gives your opponent a resource, and if played early exchanges your Jyn resource for one you can spend on upgrades. Not worth.

Running Interference Nope. It's probably good, and is something I would put in, but I already like all my cards, and this is underwhelming by comparison, especially because you are slower.

Strategies: You want a Holdout Blaster in your opening hand, as well as some control (Ideally Electroshock) Datapad is also a good start. Play the holdout onto Ezra and activate him. People will probably go after him first, and if not, he has as many ranged sides Jyn. Don't reroll his dice if you can resolve for an effect, do that instead. You want a lot of resources to play out your big cards, especially the Falcon. scound chance and lone operative goon Jyn AFTER the holdouts redeploy. roll, resolve, repeat.

Big plays: Falcon into rebel for an extra second chance. Datapad special into Ezra special for a resource. Datapad into Lone operative special to heal.

Questions? Comments? I might answer!

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