"Deploy the Fleet so that nothing gets off the system."

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GrandMasterKub 1

Hi guys, this is the first deck I've ever constructed on here. It's meant to be a fun theme deck that can make use of Ciena Ree - Adept Pilot's ability with Darth Vader's TIE Advanced to demolish a character in the late game.

We get around the high cost of upgrades with Sith Holocron, which you can play on either character depending on who they focus.

If you get TIE Advanced in your opening hand, try and take any resources you roll to play it immediately. HARD MULLIGAN for a holocron, a Force Power and a decent removal card early on.

Use cards like Force Strike and Lightsaber Throw to weaken off an opponent before knocking them out with the TIE advanced's special. Use and take resources wisely as they deck is dependent on having enough money for removal and also using the Advanced's special. If you can accumulate resources and damage you should be able to wrap up a win. Just 8 damage on Emperor knocks him out! :3

Cards that can be added at each person's discretion: Logistics, The Best Defense..., Rend, Isolation, AT-DP, First Order TIE Fighter, Imperial Inspection or Force Push.

(Considering removing 1 Deflect and 1 Dug in for two logistics)

Have fun! Would love to hear your feedback!

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