Grievous Tik

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Grievous Tik 1 2 3 2.0

Steady 182

The point of the deck is to deal tons of damage with General Grievous (2 dice!!) while suppressing opponents resources with red supports and events. Since Bala-Tik brings 2 dice too, He instantly becomes better on anything He already does, like gaining more credits for me. Also he rolls more chances on range damage, which helps with the range damage modifiers on upgrades.

I feel that i need to play the deck to feel it and polish it, but i can imagine now my opponents frown when i play turn one Local Garrison. I understand this is not the most clever or most efficient strategy in this game, but those where the rares i pulled, so i made the best out of them.

One card that i might change to 2 copies could be Cunning, since i noticed i have lots of targets for it.

I am still not sure about the battlefield. I'll try with this, or maybe lower the event cards count to maximize the effect of Jedi Temple

1 comentário

Steeltoe 1

You don't really need Take Cover and Occupation if you are going for the fast damage deck. I would say replace both of those with 2 copies of All In and watch your Datapad set up the 2 focus sides of the Commanding Presence or just the 1 focus sides of your other dice to resolve tons of damage dice before your opponent knows what hit them... and then ready Bala-Tik, of course. ;)