LandoBar - The Rich and the Fish!

Simulador de compra de cartas
Chances: 0% – 0% mais
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Solsticejf 156

This is my money deck. Chance cube is great to ramp up the cash and then you have plenty of removals to stay alive while you put vehicles on board and Diplomatic Immunity. You can pretty quickly have a planned explosion or just do some damage with the Falcon, U-wing and other.

Very fun deck to play and I've won over 50% of my games so far so not Tier 1 but definitely Tier 2.


3 comentários

PorgChop 293

You should try Mothma in Ackbars place. I’m always happy to see Lando getting some love.

Solsticejf 156

@PorgChop It was derived from your version ;) ... I tried both and love Mon Mothma - Skilled Politician interaction with Lando, but to my surprise Lando can get it down with the fish! Admiral Ackbar - Perceptive Tactician special seems to attract my opponent so he gets targeted first most of time which is great because it allows me to get the ressources for more weapons and second chance on Lando...

You should try Chance Cube in your version - works great early in the game to get much money and can be useful for Planned Explosion as well...

the BEAST 1128

What about 2 rookie pilots?