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Chipp5 44

This deck is based off of a deck I saw Power of the Dice Side Gaming play on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4e2IqyQFjg There's a link to one of the games, hopefully he posts a decklist soon.

Okay so a quick rundown. I play this deck pretty slow but try to maximize damage. Both Aayla Secura - Jedi Generala and Wedge Antilles - Squad Leadere are serious threats so usually the opponent has a difficult choice to make but both characters can focus your vehicle die with their power action or special side.

I mulligan for a 3 cost vehicle even pitching away all 5 cards if I don't draw one. It seems pretty necessary to draw one early. Other than that just try to roll damage. I'll pitch to reroll numerous times to try to get all damage sides and take my time. It doesn't really matter if I go first in most games because the amount of damage this deck can put out in a few turns is pretty terrifying.

I really enjoy cards like Locked and Loaded after and opponent makes you reroll, or Sudden Impact after the opponenet removes all but your +3 side, or your 6 side on Resistance Bomber.

I haven't played against too much aggro so I'm not really sure if the deck can do that well but Guard can be extremely useful in those matchups as well as Misleadd.

Other than that I don't know much else to say. This deck is extremely fun to play because almost all the damage they have to assign themselves and having your opponent just look utterly terrified as you resolve for 12 damage the second time in a match is hilarious.

2 comentários

Keebo (Power of the Dice Side) 8

dude - you legend, i was just about to upload the new copy of this deck when i came across this - means alot thanks for the support

Neil - power of dice side

Keebo (Power of the Dice Side) 8

so - iv taken out mortar team - and put in 3po as its funny to shoot for 6 damage

added -hush commlink - as u can do a shit ton with it

LOVE the refit - y - wing for 1 yes please!!! and sudden rocks