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Madnapali 34

Mother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch is likely the best villain card in this set, so all my good Trilogy builds have been using her. Here is the meanest of the two good builds I have come up with.

Talzin is used most often to get Hondo Ohnaka - Respected Businessman's special side. Unless your opponent is removing it, the situation is lose/lose for them. The deck can consistently pay for all the one cost events, and easily get out BOTH Pirate Speeder Tanks. Once one of them is on the board it is an option for Talzin.

Crystal Ball is an obvious include for any Talzin deck, but it, Dark Counsel, and Bartering help with focus consistency and supply production. The latter two are also nice to get more cards into your hand.

Pirate Speeder Tank is a force to be reckoned with, and Slave I really helps with dice removal. If one is on the table and I have a Flank, I typically lead with the support.

Speaking of which, I feel the dice removal is the weakest part of the deck. There are not many good 1 cost options for this combo as of yet. Subdue and Flank are good but situational. Luckily, damage comes in quickly for the former, and activating supports before characters helps with the latter. If a Subdue is sitting in my hand early game I may split damage if it means being able to use it when I need it most.

The single copy of Delve is used to get out a tank and I normally keep it if it shows up in my first 5 cards, but do not use it immediately. Save it for after seeing if removal is necessary and possibly gaining more supplies through the turn. Pace control is key.

Vandalize is an obvious include as it can completely wreck someones entire round; or their entire day. Rumors I feel is underutilized as it can get rid of pesky dice removal or snipe an upgrade before it even hits the table.

Finally, the battlefield and the plot. Profitable Connection needs no introduction, it is an incredibly clear choice here. I chose Citadel Landing Zone - Scarif because the deck eventually begins to play slow and I got tired of my opponent claiming Outer Rim Outpost - Nal Hutta and having a resource to pay Hondo. This way I can claim, reroll focus/blanks, and lead the next round.

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