Thrawn Nute Guavian Mill

Simulador de compra de cartas
Chances: 0% – 0% mais
Derivado de
Nenhum. Deck feito pelo autor.
Inspirado por
Jabba Nute Bazine (team game) 0 0 0 1.0

DTokz 147

Mill deck based on choking resources and destroying upgrades. Cannon Fodder and Crash Landing to mitigate character dice damage. Uses Imperial Discipline + Chance Cube combo to fund Buy Out.

1 comentário

kajamgroot 7

I tried pretty much the same deck (that I made after yours) but I swapped rebel for the guard. Anyway it did not work very well :(. 3 dies on 3 champs feels bad when those champs don't have discards on their dice. I think it might work better with Ejabba imo. I loved the idea though enough to make a simualr deck and play test it