Rebeltrooper's Golden Girls

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Rebeltrooper 964

Very fun deck, I haven't ran it through the gauntlet, it has played very well so far. You want talzin to live longest since Rise again can't hit Sing, but really either one is great, If Aurra lives 4 rounds you've shot some people in the face with her ability. Also, her dice are so good, she effectively has a 2 resource side to help proc rise again, 2 disrupt which is okay against most, but amazing against the thrawn match up and other Mother talzin chance cube decks. 8 healing/blocking cards - Force illusion/armor plating/witch magik/rise again make the low hit points much harder to chew through. The decks that explode for a lot of damage in 1 round could be a problem, but I tore through a sabine pretty handily. need much more testing and fine tuning. I haven't played against OTK yet. The deck isn't tech'd against anything yet although rend is great against mostly anything. I like the holocron suite for force wave. Having force wave and the Relby allow me to burst through the 3 character lists. 5 is fun from wave but it's not 9 from relby! I'm still in the very early phases of testing, I think lightening might come out, haven't decided yet though. Coercion is there because I didn't want to run filp since its 0 cost, plus its a nightmare in the OTK matchup. Battlefield is just what hurts me less and helps no one. I take a lot of actions on some turns so I didn't want to run the standard agro bf's. Very open to suggestions on the choice of BF. I usually take my opponents and throw 1 shield on each. Have fun, I'll be updating it with some playtesting and if I can continue to be successful. It's been fun so far!


5 comentários

SwEEEEEtDookie 19

Like the idea behind this. Been playing a lot of Talzin. Love the use of holocron and chance cube, I did the same thing in Kylo2/Talzin. But I don’t like lightning too much. And force push is good but feel force throw would be better. I’d suggest dropping force push for force throw. Drop lightning for snare (works so well against Sabine and OTK and variants) and maybe 1 rise again since you can only play rise again on Talzin and add some more mitigation like 1 isolation or something. But love your decks, Always look forward to your decks cause they are different from the meta decks and take a lot of skill to play. Have a regional I’m going to in 6 days, wish I had time to get some reps with this under my belt by then

Rebeltrooper 964

@SwEEEEEtDookie First off i want to say I really appreciate the kind works man, I really do. Secondly, I agree throw is a much better option than lightening, I'll be making that switch for sure. Is snare for 3 better than abandon all hope for 2 (and an even number) I'd like to put something in that is odd that targets otk as well, but straight casting snare seems so expensive. Either way you've given me something to think about and something to change for sure! Thanks for the comment friend!

SwEEEEEtDookie 19

I have a lot of OTK or BrOTK in my area and Snare does well against it. And it is an odd over an even. I know that with witch magic and Talzin’s ability that when you really need it you want as few evens in the deck as possible. (But that being said, I’d still keep chance cubes and holocrons in it)

SwEEEEEtDookie 19

Also, I took your Greivious, 99, FOST to a tournament with 2 days practice and blew everyone’s mind

Rebeltrooper 964

Lol I forgot about that. Yeah that was a fun deck! Glad someone was having fun with it!