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truth123 311

All you need to do is get force focus on lobot and roll some specials. Then resolve for four damage for one resource or three resources. I added Bubble Shield to counter the Tarkin - Grand Moff and Doctor Aphra - Artifact Hunter since you only have 21 health over all. you almost never use the gaurdian ability on lobot, however you only use it when you have to. 74-Z Speeder Bike allows lobot to turn his die to the special and resolve it in the same action you just need to use up his other die. Fragmentation Grenade is there just for some extra damage comboing with the three indirect. Captain Phasma's Blaster is just a solid card overall. Dark Counsel is there for some extra cheap upgrades to spam with lobot. As I Have Foreseen is there for Kylo Ren - Tormented One's ability. Frighten is for a matchup against Yoda - Wizened Master decks due to the throwing around of shields. Tactical Mastery is for when you dont get any upgrades at all. Recon is for blank turning and for turning lobot to the special. Mislead is a solid card as well. Hidden Motive is for the tarkin matchup as well for a last ditch effort to stop the ability. I might add Doubt as well. Please comment on anything i can change, add or remove to make this deck just that much better.

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