Talzin Kallus Holocron Beatdown Deck

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ActionJxn86 7

I was introduced to this deck while searching youtube for Destiny Tech Decks. I couldn't find the inspiriation for it on this website (even though the creator showed us the deck via this site). The original author was an admin of the channel "DoubleBlanks." Kudos to him, this deck is amazing!

This deck makes good use of Talzin's ability targeting Sith Holocron. You roll out Talzin and look at your deck (only 4 even numbered cards in the decklist [0's]) and turn your holocron to the special side. If you roll a special side, I've found it helpful to turn one of Talzin's die to a force focus, that way you can turn the Holocron back to the special if they turn the die, or you can force focus kallus into damage.

With Witch Magick you have some healing, and since all but 4 cards are odd, you're almost guaranteed to heal 3 health.

The Battlefield is fine, I'm sure there is a better one out there for this deck. But, for now I like the ability to claim and do damage, thus getting to roll out Talzin first thing and cause my opponent to think right off the bat about how to respond.

Psychometry was an interesting add. I believe there was another weapon upgrade DoubleBlanks had listed. But as I've played this deck, I like the ability to remove a die and draw cards at the expense of an opponent (Again, using Talzin's ability to turn that upgrade die to a special)

Let me know what you think!

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