I wish I was obi

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Ragnus Ren 16

Took most of this deck from a guy I played against who was playing pretty much the same deck but with Obi. Obi is probably better, and the vibrocutlass could probably be cut. I had a Master of the Council, but you know how it is with 4 cost cards without redeploy. Truce -> concentrate -> pray they dont mitigate. Mulligan for force speed and maz's goggles you need em. Roll out mace first. Use friends in low places to get rid of mitigation before you do. Try to choose their battlefield usually.

Hopefully you roll well!

8 comentários

Debaticus 2

I agree the Vibrocutlass could come out. The redeploy is nice but 4 cost with 2 pay sides is a steep price to pay. You might be better off running a 2nd Heirloom Lightsaber. The damage sides aren't as flashy but it is much more economical. This could also allow you to go down to 1 copy of Rey's Lightsaber (unless you are super attached to that particular card) and add in another upgrade to play. I haven't played Mace Windu - Jedi Champion since Legacies came out but I'm intrigued by the idea of using Resilient with him to help with the obvious mitigation he's going to have to deal with.

I was really excited when Mace Windu - Jedi Champion first came out but he's always felt like a trap when I've played him. What kind of success have you had with the deck so far?

Queklaine 222

If your afraid of mitigation after you change your dice, you could always run swiftness. I've used it in my palp deck and a friend of mine has made great use of it with mace.

Ragnus Ren 16

It’s probably just not economical at that point. I think the best play is roll out maz and use for speed special concentrate and then resolve. That way you could possibly turn both to 4 and have enough to resolve.

Ragnus Ren 16

@Debaticus I have only played two TTS games so far and went 1-1 against Yoda-hondo. But I was lucky with truce truce concentrate and force speed special first turn for 8 damage. I think it could be a strong deck potentially. I think friends in low places and one endurance is enough for me to not use resilient. I don’t want to pay two to roll one of my dice. I think action cheating is a better solution. With maz ability and force speed you can have some really strong combos.

Ragnus Ren 16

@Debaticus honestly didn’t even play Rey’s saber but I was against Hondo so tried to keep as many resources as possible to pay him and for 4 sides

Debaticus 2

@Ragnus Ren yeah Hondo Ohnaka - Respected Businessman seems to punish you for spending your resources, no doubt about it.

Ragnus Ren 16

@Debaticus thinking maybe another endurance, or alter or clash instead of vibrocutlass or even CQA. The idea with the cutlass was to overwrite an heirloom on maz or something. Give her a chance of closing. Not sure if it would work though.

Debaticus 2

@Ragnus Ren CQA could be good for sure. The focus and action cheating could make that a nasty play.