eMace & Jedi Temple Guard

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EurytopicImp 3

Here is my attempt at a deck build centered around elite Mace Windu. I decided to not include any of the normal weapon upgrades and only include 0 or 1 cost events/supports/upgrades so that resources would always be available to pay for his 4 melee damage sides. One-third of the deck is included to assist with having at least one of Mace's dice eventually roll a 4 melee damage side per round. The vast majority of the remaining cards (along with the guardian ability of the Jedi Temple Guard and shield rolls on dice) is to keep Mace alive long enough to eventually defeat all opposing characters.

If I owned any copies, I would certainly upgrade this deck with a couple of copies of Force Speed and remove both copies of Swiftness.

As the probability of the card being able to be played when both characters are alive is so much more likely, mulligan all 5 initially drawn cards unless at least one Synchronicity is in hand.

This aggro deck plays fast so the claim ability of the battlefield Main Plaza - Vashka will assist with keeping Mace alive and with reducing an opponent's character health to 2 or less.

If Mace is defeated with this build, you are most certainly going to lose the game.

Please let me know what you think of this build.

4 comentários

LukePM1776 99

You need, need, need, Resilient.

I play Mace alot; for this paring I would recommend Into the Garbage chute which I would play instead of Dangerous Mission. Willpower would be better than Rejuvenate; Alter or Concentrate would be better than Feel the Force. You also need Caution, Guard, Force Misdirection, and Overconfidence. I would remove Feel the Force, Dangerous Mission, Do or Do not, Roll on, Rejuvenate, and Take Cover.

EurytopicImp 3

@LukePM1776 Thank you so much for your input. You have given me a lot of great suggestions.

JamieM 1

I tried something like this earlier this year I ended up adding 2 ancient light sabers and 2 master of the councils.

EurytopicImp 3

@JamieM I was also considering adding in the two Ancient Lightsabers. How often were you able to afford the cost of Master of the Council?