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Nukesquad 3

Removed some upgrades and switch to an all gun combo.

Trying out Truce and Infamous so I can play an upgrade and still have resource for mitigation as well as do a blowout In Pursuit play. Still thinking if I can afford the slots for Quick Draw

4 comentários

GregtheBiz 391

How does this deck fare if Greedo - Unlucky Mercenary gets nuked on turn 1?

Ramin2-D2 550

@dustin13862 still get to use Greedo dice twice. seems good. Bala is the first target

Ramin2-D2 550

probably need to jam in Take Flight

Nukesquad 3

`@dustin13862 Well, its more jank than actual competitive, with the only legendary being the Night Sniper. If you play against Sabine Ezra and Sabine nukes Greedo turn 1, then you just hope that you get 4 dice resolution out of Greedo, which can potentially go up to 8 damage.

Like @Ramin2-D2 said, its rare that anyone goes for Greedo first, although I find that Greedo has more black side to work with all the guns.

@Ramin2-D2 I used to have Take Flight over Truce but found that I would play out my weapons, and have no resources for removal for a whole turn and that's when Bala dies.

So the idea is to let opponent activates, then we play one of the ambush weapon and then In Pursuit, tapping Infamous, then depending on my rolls, potentially use Take Flight or Bait and Switch into a blow out turn and taking out a guy. A 2-3 cards combo turn that isn't really too difficult to pull off as long as you get In Pursuit. I tend to lose most games when I can't find a gun and In Pursuit by turn 2 (assuming I mulligan for it.

It's kinda obvious that the deck would be shafted by Easy Pickings and other multi die removal if I don't get Infamous.

Still considering the battlefield as well. I find that with so low health character with no healing, I can't afford to claim early and risk not being able to use my removals.