Obi-Wan/Jedi Sentinel - Confused?

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Hessian Sack 1338

Ok, before any comments come up on how stupid I am, hear me out. To understand this deck you need to pretend that Aayla is a Jedi Sentinel and that Bespin Wing Guard is actually a Honed Skills. Also, Ice Storm is Loth-Wolf Bond. Make sense? Let's get into it:

For your first round, you're trying to get in early damage and build your board state. Mulligan for Adapt, Defensive Teaching, Honed Skills, mitigation, and upgrades. Build up shields with Obi-Wan's ability, Luke's Protection, and whatever else works. Try to get a good few shields on Jedi Sentinel for it's special. if I wasn't building this in Trilogy Format, then I'd include Emperor's Throne Room - Death Star II for Jedi Sentinel's special, and Shoto Lightsaber for obvious reasons. Question/Suggestion time!

1 comentário

Manzza 31

Jedi Sentinel or erza2?