First Place SC (23 players) Gongaii Games

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preptime 28

Pretty standard Boba/7 deck, but mostly just to show that this deck is still powerful with the new WOTF set.

5 comentários

Razelll 244

I was there with you, I don't know if you saw me play but I had the Unkar Plutt - Junk Dealer/Bazine Netal - Master Manipulator/Nute Gunray - Separatist Viceroy mill deck. I saw you play in the finals and it looked really powerful. Just wondering, did any of the WoTF cards make your deck any better or is it still just really powerful with Sabine/Ezra and Stairs out of the way?

Also, why only 1 He Doesn't Like You?I think it is the best mitigation yellow villain has right now.

preptime 28

@RazelllThat sounds like a cool deck and I was theory crafting a bit before to see if a Nute, Blockade, and Local Garrison deck could get any traction as a really oppressive choke deck.

Honestly I did not play test enough prior to the event to test out any of the new WOTF cards, though I'd consider putting a one of Beguile in there for one of the Overconfidence.

I consider Dagger of Mortis a straight upgrade over Heirloom since I can slam it on Boba with no play restrictions.

Re: He Doesn't Like You, I realized I only put in one when I was doing my decklist and that was a mistake. I'd easily replace the Intimidate for the other He Doesn't Like You.

JackTheJot 1

I’d definitely take the Beguile over the over confidence. Sure it’s one resource more but in terms of control you’re messing with 3 of their dice.

Lev83yo 9

Why 1 lightsaber pull? What about replace intimidate with second he doesn't like you and replace doubt with second lightsaber pull?

preptime 28

@Lev83yoIt never felt necessary as I always felt like I had enough upgrades to play and this deck is already very tight on resources.