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Vehicles for SC on Saturday 3 1 7 1.0
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Hessian Sack 1338

I'd really appreciate your feedback.

3 comentários

Razelll 244

Why did you replace a die with Profitable Connection? If you really want resources round 1, just run elite Anakin Skywalker - Podracing Prodigy. As his second die will probably get the resource that Profitable Connections will. Then the rest of the game you just have a free die. Also you have a bunch of removal, so I think you could spare a couple for 2 Tech Teams. Some people don't run Tech Team, cuz they have Rally Aid, but I think you should have both, just in case you don't get the Rally Aid. At least you would still have the Tech Teams.

Hessian Sack 1338

@Razelll thanks! I'll definitely run Anakin Skywalker - Podracing Prodigy elite, thanks for the common sense there :P What would you drop for the Tech Teams?

Razelll 244

NP. If it were me I would drop both Refits for it, cuz it is not that good with the Modified HWK-290 or the Resistance Crait Speeder. Also if you have First Aid it is pretty much just better than Field Medic. Other than it can't heal Ani. By the looks of it you may have not enough vehicles, so I would drop 2 of your removals ( I don't think it matters which one) for 2 Resistance Bomber, cuz they can hit hard and fast. But if your play testing proves you don't need more vehicles then don't put in the bombers.