Execute Order 66

Simulador de compra de cartas
Chances: 0% – 0% mais
Derivado de
Nenhum. Deck feito pelo autor.
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Dragoth 1

A deck idea I've had since UK Nationals 2018. Open to comments and feedback. Thanks.

2 comentários

darthdarkstar 7

going to give this a shot, looks good to me.

Dragoth 1

@darthdarkstarThanks, let me know how it goes. I've done some testing on this and found that @Emulate is very situational. As such i've changed it for @Isolation for a little bit more removal.

I've also found that 1 of my Executioner's consistently die in Round 2. From there it's difficult for me to ramp and win.

I've been up against Luke3/Rey2 and Dooku2/Talzin in casual games and have had really bad rolls and in turn defeats, losing by end of Round 3.

I think the deck can work, but for some reason it just hasn't had the "Wow" factor i hoped for.