brother and sister

Simulador de compra de cartas
Chances: 0% – 0% mais
Derivado de
Nenhum. Deck feito pelo autor.
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Dast213 21

Hi, any idea how i make this better? Thk

5 comentários

adran06 254

Perhaps something to help turn Fifth Brother's dice to specials like R2-D2?

the BEAST 1128

@adran06That’s a joke right...

Dast213 21

Lol ya you know that this is a villain deck ;)

adran06 254

I said LIKE for a reason :/

kidvaloo 108

'similar to' would be less confusing. Besides, with a 50% chance for damage sides, it's not that big an issue. I'd suggest Something familiar or Triple Threat for dice fix. Works on either players dice for maximum utility.