The 1% of 1%

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Chances: 0% – 0% mais
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jrallnella 1

The point of this deck is to have large amounts of resources to play more powerful card earlier then your opponent. If you have the resources left after you opponent passes then you play big supports like at-st and planetary bombardment Be very careful because if theses cards became discarded the only way to win is Thrawns, Unkar Plutt and bartering discard ability.


Thrawn is great because he has a 2 resource side can disrupt your opponents hand and has a boat load of focus. With imperial discipline he becomes a money making machine. With his focus late game Planetary Bombardment will be nuking character for 7 and AT-ST for 5.

Unkar Plutt essentially has 4 resource sides with My Kind of Scum. His disruption make it hard for your opponent to set up faster then you which is good because you will not be swinging for +5 damage turn 2. Unkar Plutt also has a +2 resources side along with normal resource side.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The battle Field--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

We want are opponent to claim the battle field so we choice Medical Center because by time it heal ability can help your opponent it to late because you are set up. The fact that we gain control of the battle field when are opponent claims make it icing on the cake.


Law and Order: is very important because we will not be killing charters quickly. Removing a win condition upgrade can win you the game as your opponent prays to the force that he draws another win condition. You can also nuke important set up cards with it like Sith Holocron and Chance Cube.

In The Crosshairs: This is a round winning card since most decks are trying to roll a single type of dice side.

Entangle: This card can eliminate 2 dice for price of one. it can stop your opponent form stabilizing his ecomany by nuking up to 3 resource die, hinder his play by nuking up to 3 focus die or in a pinch reduce 33% of damage to Unkar and 25% of damage to thrawn.

Doubt: it free but should only target high numbers.

One-Quater Portion: We will out resource/drain resource are opponent so the negative dose really mater. The flexibility of targets this cards can hit it it main strength.

Prized Possession: The fact that we can get this card out turn one is devastating on decks that depend on a single powerful character to win. Losing a die is like playing the game with -3 character points or -8 if it non unqianiue. On top of that you opponent has less damage and resources form the get go.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Resource Generator----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Imperial Discipline: Works great with Chance Cube and Thrawn resource die and has two resources die sides of it self I find this to be a high priority card to put down turn 1.

Bartering: I originally had Data Pad but this card has the same chance at resource generation and has more die sides.

Chance Cube: with Thrawn's focus and Imperial Discipline this usually net us 2 resources a turn.

1 comentário

Hessian Sack 1338

Sorry to break it to you, but Unkar is 11/14 now...