Nordics Top 4

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NightBring3R 199

My Nordics top 4 Deck and run! I Went 5-1 in swiss and went out in Semis to the runner up!

During swiss rounds 5 of my 6 opponents made the top 16 so this is my breakdown of my games.

Game 1 Win VS ERex / 2x Clone Troopers

This was my only opponent not making top cut and probobly my easiest game of the day, and not because he played bad or anything he just kept rolling blanks for 2 rounds. I got my ramp going and he just couldn't stop me.

Game 2 Win VS ELeia Temple Guard Anakin2

This is a player i have met in a couple of Tornomant before from Austria very good player and nice guy! i knew what his deck aimed to do but i had never played this match up. He got off to a great start milling both my 0-0-0 and a helfire droid tank pretty early. But in the mid and late game his rolls where just too bad and i could catch up and snatch the win with a couple of cards left in hand. He made top 8 and an impressive performance from what i saw the only mill player at the Tornomant.

Game 3 Win ERose/Eyoda gungan

This game I'm up vs the reigning European champion who just had beaten one of my testing friends so i was ready for a tuff battle. The first round came down to a chicken race with us playing around his flank that i had left in his hand when i played a filp. eventfully he had to roll out a Yoda to get some recourses and get use of his rally aid, with some fortunate rolls for me it gave me a helfire tank droid on top of my 0-0-0. Round two i got down and At-dp and managed to roll out a special to remove his Crait speeder. So with some good play and a fair amount of luck i had to big of an advantage going in to the final rounds and could close out a convincing win.

Game 4 Loss ERex/ Clone trooper / Hierd Gun

So i had the opportunity to lock my top cut place before lunch and in front of me was a deck i played against 3 times in the hand of a really good player i found out during the game. He played very well i had some bad luck as well, we started with my BF but i dint have any Viechels at hand so he just grabbed it and got 2 shields + a discount on his first Vechiel. This happened later in round 3 or 4 as well. Also my last relentless pursuit was discarded with my FI and made Rex live 2 extra turns which was just to much for me to handle. It became pretty close but not close enough. He ended his round at the top 16 if i remember correctly.

Game 5 Win ELuke3/EYoda

This game was actully quite close at the start he put down a lot of damage and shiedls with his obi wans lightsabre. But fortunly for me he never found his force waves and that made my health pool to much for him to get thru and my ramp could outscale him in the end. Dont think he is so sad about that sence he won the hole tornomant afterwards :D

Game 6 Win EKylo/Esnoke

Tight game at the start he punched me and got of at quite early rise again and if I didn't probe his 2nd Rise again i think this game would have gone to time where i would have lost on total damage. But i did probe his Rise and managed with a couple of spare minutes end the game with help out relentless pursuit.

Top 16 ETrawn / ESnoke Win 2-1

So i got match vs my brother in this match up sadly, and this is a terrible matchup for me he has At-St and AT-DP to remove my supports, and he kept getting rid of my removal with Thrawn ability. And if it wasn't for some late game decision mistakes and some really bad luck from his side id probably would have lost this 0-3 But I played as clean as I could with the hands i was dealt and made a comeback.

Top 8 EYoda E Hondo win 2-0

This is a really good matchup for me unless a early force wave comes out i just can't see myself loose to this deck. And he didn't get a early force wave so it was a quite easy matchup. This was vs a player from my home town such a nice game was the funniest game of destiny i had the hole day. Both where joking and it felt like I was playing a casual game really needed that!

Top4 EKylo/Esnoke loss 0-2

Going in to this matchup i was very confident because it is a good matchup for me but i knew i was playing vs a good player he had after all won the Swiss. Game 1 started hard he put down a lot of pressure early but i clawed my way back into the game till a point where i was really favored to win. We start a round with me having 13 health left on 2 characters combined and if i remember right Kylo2 was on 6 health. I draw no removal but a heal and a bubble shield. So unless he rolls out his loaded kylo and Hits the ability and 11 damage of i think 12 or 13 possible as his first action i will be okey. Problem is he did just that so i got god rolled. My opponent had played a really good game setting himself up to still have a chans with a god roll, don't want to take anything away from his victory a worse player would not even be in a position to win that game. Game 2 Aphra died round 1 and that was pretty much it, didn't really get to play that game.

Overall the Tornomant was great and i am still sure that i brought the best deck to the Tornomant and i had use for all my cards and certain points of the event. Little sad that the semi finals ended how it did but at least i could be happy with my own performance during the day.

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