Qui-Gungan Jinn with Deck Analysis

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Destiny Deck Analysis 271

Qui-Gungan Jinn with Deck Analysis

Qui-Gon Jinn is one of the more interesting characters from the current set. Against mill or indirect damage decks, the ability to stack shields on Qui-Gon while sacrificing the Gungan Warrior, makes this deck very effective against those match-ups. Even against aggressive decks, this character can still pack a punch, and 12 health is a strong start for a primary character. The goal is to utilize the shield generation cards to continuously stack shields on Qui-Gon, while ramping into the upgrades with the largest black damage sides. Then utilize combinations like Heightened Awareness into resolving Qui-Gon's character and upgrade dice to deal maximum effective damage. As I continue to test this character pairing I will update this analysis with the results.

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