Sexy vehicles

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Yahari 29

Played with lando at a release event. Really enjoyed him. Tried to come up with a decent pairing for him, and came up with this. Most of your mods, except for bb-8, and escape craft will go on shadow caster to decrease the resource cost. N-1 can be played for 2 with lando's power action, meaning you're garenteed to get a vehicle out for the turn as long as your holding one. C-3PO Is great because he allows you to resolve your dice in so many different ways. Resolve Lando's 4 resource die as 4 damage. Resolve the falcons 3 resource, or 3 shields as damage. Also allows you to resolve the N-1 Specials and ready Shadow Caster, or the Falcon. Or if need be discard a vehicle.

I haven't actually played with this deck yet, but I am looking forward to playing it over the next week. Any feedback would be much appreciated. This is the first deck I've ever made from scratch. Hopefully it's decent.

1 comentário

Ramin2-D2 550

the older Millenium Falcons are better.