Trilogy Aggro-Control

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Mom and her DJ 0 0 0 1.0

The Phantom Dennis 40

While I love DJ decks, I always felt they were pretty heavily dependent upon a first-round Streetwise. Land a SW early game, and all of your removal gets 10x better, so naturally, with Double Down as an option for this list, Streetwise went up to 3 copies, meaning that if you hard-mulligan for a SW, you have >70% chance of landing one on round 1.

The other obvious 3 of was Witch Magic. Having the ability to heal 3 for 1 is just great, period.

The other card from Across the Galaxy that gives this deck a huge boost is Deja Vu. An early to mid-game Deja allows you to double your removal when convenient. It could allow you to use 4 resources to play 2 entangles, removing 4 of your opponent's dice and doing 4 damage with D.J. or allow you to play Risky Move twice to remove 2 dice, with no drawback on the second one, since their next card has already been granted ambush. The truly broken thing about Deja Vu, though, is abusing your 3x witch magic with it. If you Deja your second and third witch magics, overall, you can heal up to 15 damage for 5 resources!

Another kicker to Deja Vu is that it allows you to throw away any leftover removal at the end of each round to try to draw into deja vu or more streetwises, since cards in your discard will power up your later removal.

Overall, the build needs some tuning, and can still be draw dependent, but having a huge boost to removal quality with 3x Streetwise and Deja Vu and being able to abuse the crap out of Witch Magic means this deck has some legs. Roll some damage on DJ and Talzin, keep them out of their damage, and coast across the finish line.

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