The Krusty Krab

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Derivado de
A fate worse than death 3 2 8 4.0
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Ninguém ainda.

PalpShuttle 147

I derived this deck from Patpatine's "A fate worse than death".

This deck needs its money to smooth out its pay sides, so my choice of Theed Royal Palace - Naboo, Electrostaff, and Imperial HQ help with that. This deck has good health and solid sides, so damage will be consistent for those Close Quarters Assault plays. I might consider Probe as well. The voice of Savage is also Mr. Krabs. Art thou feeling it, now?

4 comentários

Patpatine 195

We get a lot of executioner decks down here and people will usually go for the executioners first as they're weaker, and without them, you lose 4-8 damage every turn. I don't think The Best Defense... quite works for the deck as it half kills them while Consumed By The Dark Side is a much better option.

PalpShuttle 147

I agree, it does accelerate their demise. But I think off-setting it with The Price of Failure might make it worthwhile. I'll have to work that in in my next iteration.

H.Sack 64

@Patpatine The Best Defense... is way better. Don't underestimate 2-die removal. And Besides yours, there's ONE Executioner deck (mine). And no-one other than you targets my Executioners, although they probably should.

Venator class star destroyer! 20

True, but I see what he is saying.