Trilogy Snoke's Fist

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vamp 35

Stole this list from a friend but changed it for Trilogy. I'm not sure that you need the Hailfire Droid Tank or Podracer, but you definitely want enough damage dice. Ultimately though you are looking to get either Vader's Fist or a loaded up Umbaran Hover Tank out by Round 2. I was worried about the removal suite but for the Trilogy format it was really pretty good. You Were My Friend adds great versatility to either turn your die or remove one of theirs, as you should more often than not have more blue cards in play.

This deck went 3-0 at a LGS league night hosted by the amazing Artificery! Check them out at:

R1 v. Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician/Qi'Ra - Street Savvy: I had a lot of mitigation that prevented him from doing much of his gameplan. He did have a Vigilance that really screwed with my second round, but I managed to get enough damage on the board to overwhelm his two characters.

R2 v. Snoke - Supreme Leader/Doctor Aphra - Artifact Hunter/Battle Droid I kept him off of money the entire game, and he discarded his first 0-0-0 from the Nute Gunray - Separatist Viceroy effect. I got the Fist down round 1 and it rolled pretty hot, along with the Energy Bow.

R3 v. Barriss Offee - Studious Padawan/Force Mystic/Yoda - Wizened Master This game was really close. With one Force Wave he did 27 damage which is pretty insane, but luckily I had two Witch Magick after my mulligan. I drew the Umbaran Hover Tank round 2 and was able to get it down. It is a beast against three wide decks! If not for that and the healing this game would have been very different!

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