Daddypants Vader: Omaha Top 4

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Hoss-Drone 109

played this to top 4 in omaha. tournament report and more to come...

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Hoss-Drone 109

Rd 1 vs Yoda + 2 chumps + armored reinforcement Fat vehicle – Win

  • Things didn’t go according to plan for my opp when yoda refused to roll a resource, I removed the die that eventually did, greedo rolled his disrupt so he ended up a resource short to pay for the vehicle and Vader rolled solid damage so that forced my opp to spend resources on mitigation also. Rd 2 he got his vehicle but I dropped vader’s fist which by the end of the round killed one of his two chumps. Each of the next two rounds were spent dropping my hand at the end of the round in order to draw either more mitigation to limit what his vehicle could do OR to find rise again to heal vader. The game ended up somewhat close though.

Rd 2 vs Jyn/Cassian – Win

  • Based on how this game went, I would say this opponent was playing a version that cared more about doing damage. Another super close game where I made some really good plays that kept him off what he wanted to do. I played jyn/cassian at my last regional so knowing the deck inside and out helped here because I knew how to attack it. That being said it came down to wire. Greedo is dead and vader is on 2 health with 2 shields. He has just jyn left with 6 health, 2 weapons on her and the battlefield going first. He rolls out and hits a 2 ranged, 2 ranged, +2 ranged and a blank. I overconfidence the two 2 ranged and pray he doesn’t land on them again. They hit blank and +3 ranged so the blank goes away. He dc’s to reroll and now has 2 ranged, +2 ranged, 3 indirect. I play my second overconfidence onto the 2 ranged and 3 indirect and he hits a 2 ranged and +2 ranged. I remove the 2 ranged of course. He re rolls another time and hits a blank and a discard. This gives me time to cycle my ancient lightsaber on vader to heal him for 2 so now vader out of range of death. Long story short, I pitch to reroll until I find the 6 damage to kill jyn and win.

Rd 3 vs Vader/Greedo mirror - Win

  • I draw my opening 5, see Friends in high places x2 , ancient lightsaber, price of failure and Hidden Motive. I think it over and decide that if I just roll out above curve it could potentially be a nut draw. So I keep it all. I play the ancient, roll out greedo who hits the 2 ranged so I’m now definitely in on getting to 7 showing. Vader rolls out and hits 4/4/resource. My opponent hidden motives the resources calling sticks only to see it roll right back into the resource. I play the first high places and get a second ancient, opponent discards to reroll and hits vader 3 and 3 and saber +4. I play the second high places and get overconfidence which blanks vader AND removes the saber die. Opp rerolls and gets a 2 resource. I take my 2 resources over two actions then pump 8 into his vader. Opponent decides to claim. I go balls deep with the price of failure, greedo hits blank on his bonus roll, but Vader and the vader reroll comes out shield, blank, +3, resource. I reroll all but the +3 and hit 3 melee, 2 resource, 1 melee and pump it all into his Vader who is now at 13 damage after rd 1. Start of rd 2 I roll out vader and hit a pair of 2 damage sides which he cant deal with so his vader dies immediately and Greedo bites it a quickly thereafter.

Rd 4 vs Yoda/Anakin/Cassian mill - Loss

  • I wasn’t surprised to see mill here in the battle of the unbeatens. I had just hoped no one would bring it because I had identified it as having the strongest chance vs Vader. Anyway, this game wasn’t even close, I made a decision in the first rd that was a mistake and then I compounded the problem by making another decision that simply didn’t pan out.

Rd 5 vs New Han Solo/Qi’ra - win

  • My opponent was unable to find a gun in his hand after even after mulligan so he was already behind tempo. To make it worse, vader and greedo rolled hot and Han was already at 8 damage after the first rd. Rd 2 vader rolled resources so I took them and slow played the rd. Opponent claimed then I dropped Vader’s fist and proceeded to kill Han and put 3 onto Qi’ra. It was pretty over from that point.

So I make top 4 as the #2 seed having only lost to the top seed.

Top 4 vs Yoda/Padawan/Wookie force speed shenanigans

  • My opponent top 32’d worlds back in may with this deck so I was aware that the deck basically just gets force speeds onto yoda then abuses them to take extra actions and deal damage that you cant mitigate bc you cant respond to it. I decide that strategy wise I’m going to kill his Wookie to take his yellow character off the board so his spot yellow mitigation cards are now dead in hand in the potentially clutch moment I need to kill the padawan. Rd 1 I mitigate his damage. Rd2 He kills greedo. Rd 3 I get a force illusion and 3 shields on vader so he’s forced to split up his damage and vader comes out of it with only 1 damage on him to this point. Rd 4 he puts 7 damage into vader and I put 3 into the padawan (two blocked by shields). He claims and I decide not to bury the ancient for heal as I come to the conclusion that if I can threaten lethal to the paddy on the rollout I can steal this game away and the ancient might provide exactly the difference. Rd 4 he rolls out yoda who rolls a 2 focus, a shield, a shield on 1 force speed and a focus on the other force speed. I roll out vader and show 5 melee with part of it on the vader saber so I can pay for the 6th which is now enough showing to kill the padawan. This means unless he kills me the game will be in my favor as I’ll either kill the padawan and now have every advantage OR he’ll try to mitigate and I would gain tempo. My opponent goes into the tank and is clearly mapping out options. I’m doing the same and come to the conclusion that his only out to the immediate win is to have 2 copies of impulsive in hand to impulsive the 2 focus (into force speed special and 2 focus on yoda, get an additional action to impulsive the force speed and get 3 additional actions which he then HAS to use to 1. roll out the padawan, 2. use 3 focus on the board to flip to 8 damage then 3. Resolve. He reveals the two impulsives from hand…………..

So even though it sucked to get knocked out in top 4 that way I still had a lot of fun over the course of the day. Still having mixed feelings about upcoming rotation. It will be nice not to get force speeded out of a game, but it will suck not to have fun fair cards like ancient lightsaber. shrug