Outer Rim | Deck of the Week MTV2 (Come Sail Away)

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OuterRimSmugglers 89

Derived from the ARC-170 Starfighter version, but used the popular Solar Sailer. Then, like everything Blue villian, jam two Fist in and your win ratio goes up like 90% (made up statistic).

7 comentários

OuterRimSmugglers 89

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Kartikeya 29

Looks like smooth sailing to me ..

Echo7 328

Why the Pinned Down still? You've only got 1 vehicle in the deck.

Echo7 328

Gah, sorry, completely missed the quite obvious Armored Reinforcement play. Stupid me. On reflection, Pinned Down is an excellent card :-)

openboats 134

Love it. I think the Solar Sailer/Fist combo is a really cool one. You can focus the Sailer to the 2 with Talzin and it's paid for itself round 1 (or better if you got the battlefield). The Sailer also let's you get to the Fist consistently with the draw effect. You can very easily set yourself up for a blowout round 2.

Other than the usual tinkering the only new thing I'd recommend taking a look at is Become One. Gives you a lot of flexibility and strong plays when Fist and Dooku's Sailer are on the board.

Entourage Gaming - Lanza 357

@Kartikeya makes me wanna sing QOTSA Smooth Sailing

Entourage Gaming - Lanza 357

@openboatsthe focus from the sailer and Iden feels so good. Become One sounds spicy. Like it.

Played 2 v HQ last night and it felt extremely solid. So many 2s, so much focus. You usually have one or two big hit rounds where you just slam like 10 range. And yes, round 1 get the money, drop 1 cost upgrades and build your board state. Fist is nice like mid game to make up for a dead character. Much more important to get the bows and DH17s out ASAP.