The Captain, The Doctor and The Mother

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gamerfathergeek 45

Hi all, this is a Trilogies deck I've been working on for a while ready for rotation. It's got a high health of 29hp, has masses of mitigation and works as death by a thousand cuts.

They key card to hard mulligan for is 0-0-0. A lot of removal and BT-1 deals indirect to yourself, so getting 0-0-0 out early is essential to pile on the additional damage. An early Bubble Shield is also nice.

Most of the time I have found people do not choose Petranaki Arena - Geonosis so if you do win the roll off, I would almost always choose the opponent's battlefield to secure 2 shields on Aphra. This is a slow deck so you would rarely get to use the claim ability on a battlefield anyway.

I mostly use Mother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch as mitigation on the opponent, it doesn't always pay off obviously but when it does, being able to blank say a Darth Vader - Terror To Behold die is worth it.

Surprise damage comes courtesy of Act Of Cruelty and Cunning Ruse. Consistent damage is from 0-0-0 and if you get it out early, T-16 Skyhopper with 2x Laser Cannon. Activating BT-1 followed by the T-16 Skyhopper is 4dmg/round.

General tactics are to keep Doctor Aphra - Artifact Hunter alive as long as possible, her 2 shield side being what I prefer to resolve. As the majority of damage comes from the droids, the characters are there just to soak up damage. Any indirect that can't go on shields I spread evenly across Mother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch and Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician. Spreading the damage increases the value of Invigorate.

Don't forget with both droids out, activating BT-1 deals 2 indirect to your opponent and one to yourself, which in turn allows you to draw a card. Once both are out, unless you need to mitigate, activating BT-1 is a priority.

Finally Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician is in there for her health and 3 damage sides. I have previously tried the deck with Wullf Yularen - ISB Colonel and Arihnda Pryce - Unscrupulous Governor, there are pros and cons to all three but I prefer Phasma to help push through extra damage.

In previous versions I have had Nefarious Deed to help unlock Crackdown and Battle Fatigue, and although this is useful and can also finish off characters (especially combined with Act Of Cruelty), in most games it wasn't used and is a dead card once they only have 1 character left. If players are deliberately keeping damage off one character, deal direct damage when you get the chance.

The obvious weakness in the deck is that without the droids you will struggle to win, and although the card draw from Doctor Aphra - Artifact Hunter is good this also presents a problem when playing against mill. It is a 'may' ability so obviously use your best judgement when facing mill decks.

2 comentários

Zombane 445

I hate this deck and I hate you

gamerfathergeek 45

@ZombaneI love you too x.