Unlimited Power - take 1 w/boba

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Rando_Mando 161

This write up is not very good.

(I will update it soon) (sorry)

Main Write Up:
Palpatine - Unlimited Power is a power house. But he needs to stay alive, doesn't he? If you run him elite with Watto sure you get money and things, but they won't kill watto first. Palp is sure to die. Any other paring is the same if Palp is elite... soooo I made this series of decks about Palpatine but NOT ever elite! This is the first one of the series, I pared him with eBoba Fett. I think this is a good deck to start out with this format. Boba Fett - Deadly Mercenary with Palp will have 3, 2 damage sides (Counting ) though none of the upgrades are weapons (All ability's) I still feel like Boba can be a power house too! You can put Underhand Tactics on Boba (If you really HAVE TO). I just hope his good sides his ok HP and by him being elite draws the damage from Palp to him.

The Goal:
The goal of the deck is to get Palpatine a ton of ability's before he dies (or takes a TON of damage).
Game Plan:
Boba should (Hopefully) draw their attention of the main (Or powerful) character in the deck, leading you to make Palpatine a power house by turn 4-5.
Ouch Games:
People already think that Palpatine is strong, so what if they go after him first, this deck has no backup plan for Boba so what do I do? I have no idea... Win? This deck is based (All) on Palpatine if he dies turn 2-3 (Or even 1) R.I.P.
Play It.. RIGHT:
The best way to play it hands down, is to let them think Boba Fett is the main character and you are using Palpatine to make them think HE (Palp) is the main when truly it is Boba. (Reverse, Reverse Plan). Then during turn 3-4 after you've played the 4-6 upgrade on Palp, SLAM EM' HARD!!!
The first Palpatine1 was good, the second Palpatine2 was ok at max, now we have one that is cheap & OP! (So let's make him sooo good they errata him. Wink Wink)
Notes (But not credits):

  1. I have never played this deck yet. I will soon on TTS (Table Top Sim), but for now...
  2. I don't psychical have this deck ether. (I have it digitally though!)

Please leave a Favorite it you really liked the deck build, a Heart (If you have one), and Comment (I love reading em' even hate mall!)

P.S. I'm back!

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