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Sherkaun 706

Bubble Shield since the meta has a lot of indirect damage, and Rose - Skilled Mechanic can remove damage from it

N-1 Starfighter is replaceable, but I love its special

Rigged Detonation is another meta call and great in this deck since you won't control the battlefield a majority of the game, and most people are using ramp characters like Watto - Stubborn Gambler, or Jabba The Hutt - Influential Kingpin and have 4-5 resources to play a big drop, which makes this card very powerful.

Scruffy Looking Nerf-Herder to slow down those vehicle and support decks, or even key cards for palpatine or phasma.

This character pairing has a great amount of health, 5 dice which are all pretty solid for having 5, and some really good abilities on each character.

Lor San Tekka - True Believer will help out with the double focus, as well as having extra cards in hand for rerolls if needed, as well as getting removal when you don't draw any later in the game. Really good consistency character with 10 health. I was thinking of going elite with him instead of Satine Kryze - Hope of Mandalore, but like the extra resource side better for early ramp.

Arena of Death - Nar Shaddaa was chosen over Deathwatch Hideout - Concordia since I won't be claiming the battlefield and would rather give them nothing until near the end when I have a chance to use it as well. I also don't want satine to be an early target if I can help it. Also If I'm down 2 characters this battlefield does 2 indirect which can turn the tide, they won't be killing off characters with my indirect early, so you will be at the advantage with this bf end game.

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