Budget(ish) mill

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Hutt Cartel Wrocław - Bert 119

This is the deck i have been playing since Wotf in Trilogy standard, so when rotation hit us, i got a deck ready to mill hard my opponents. I have won with this deck quite a few tournaments, those that i didn't win i have lost only 1 game.

As the title states it is quite budget deck, you only require 2 legendaries (Leia Organa - Heart of the Resistance) and 10 rares. Even it doesn't require that many starters (1x Boba and 2 Rivals).

The whole deal with this deck is to spread the damage through Guard keyword of Jedi Temple Guard. Which means, you will have Leia Organa - Heart of the Resistanceor Anakin Skywalker - Podracing Prodigy longer in the play. And keep using the removals you have to stop opponents to deal less and less dmg. In addition to that Anakin Skywalker's Podracer is the musthave and it is recommended to have it in your 1st hand, as it speeds as hell the milling. Even more it could even generate tons of shields, which sometimes is better than discard from hand.

Your first hand:

-Anakin Skywalker's Podracer (or Start Your Engines!

-1 or 2 removal cards for 0, preferrably Pacify or Hidden Motive

Rest of the cards doesn't really matter, but if you find Logistics it could end up with another upgrade on table like Resistance Ring.

If by any chance you draw Easy Pickings you should consider to stick with it in your hand, in case when you hit characters, which have many of the same sides, like Yoda - Wizened Master or Luke Skywalker - Reluctant Instructor.

Few Tips for piloting:

-If you face an opponent who have a lot of damage potential, you should consider to resolve Anakin Skywalker's Podracer to shield yourself.

-You have to remember that you can always use Anakin Skywalker's Podracer ability to discard the top card of a deck (even if Anakin Skywalker - Podracing Prodigy is alive). If you see that opponent doesn't really have any use of his card in hand, feel free to discard the top card of his deck

-With Resistance Ring you can also play the card from opponent discard pile. Sometimes you can find something usefull so keep track what's there. -Sometimes is better to use Easy Pickings to remove 2 useless dice at the current moment. You never know what will be the outcome if opponent reroll his dice, and better to keep it safe ;)

-As for now, many people use battlefield Salt Flats - Crait, if you will play on this BF, consider to claim, without resolving ome of your dice, it is additional mitigation in your possesion. If it won't be necesarry Leia Organa - Heart of the Resistance is a Leader, so you can always flip her dice to focuses or discards ;)


You cannot be really sure about each matchup, but mostly when you see something with multiple supports on table, you will have a much to think about when you consider the removing options. Such decks are pretty great against mills. In such matches you should focus alot on shielding from Anakin Skywalker's Podracer and consider using healing cards like Field Medic. Another bad matchup are the action cheaters. There aren't that many of them right now, but the overall gameplay should be like described above.

On the other hand, whenever you see Palpatine - Unlimited Power or Yoda - Wizened Master decks, they will require time and cards to build up to the point that they will do the damage. It will be way easier matches, but do not think to soft, this is double luck based game, so you are never sure if they wouldn't hit Vader's Fist which could easily kill you.

If you face another mill, it is tough time :) It is in many cases, who plays Anakin Skywalker's Podracer first. However there are of course additional things to look for, for sure if you see a possibility to remove 2 dices with just one card Entangle or Easy Pickings, you should do it. Otherwise it could be a waste of card. Do not really reroll dice, in most situations it is not worth it.

I hope this guide will assist some of you to play this deck, of course feel free to comment/suggest etc, i am more than happy to see what's the other opinion on this deck :)

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